Need a Big Engine Mod


I was looking for a mod that support the biggest v12 or/and v8 both twin turbo charged.
But i coudn’t find anything does anybody have anything.
I wont be able to respond for a couple hours ( Going to to sleep)

i think the 30’s sport coupe does…and some Barth bodies def


One of the older American luxobarges does

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The 80s SUV/pickup (unlocks in 1978, I believe) can take the largest V8, but I’m not sure what its turbo limits are.

I could fit a big ten liter V8 in the Zedan mod body but it probably can’t support a larger V12, or a turbocharged ten liter V8.

I don’t recall any bodies that can take the largest V12s. There is a vanilla SUV body that can swallow the largest displacement V8 though.