Hey Guys,
I’ve bought automation a long time ago (when it wasn’t at steam), and since this time you changed the layout a lot times, without finishing the game. Well, I ask myself, why do you do this, without a final released game version. I mean, this graphic and layout changes are pretty nice, but wouldn’t it be nicer having a finalized and running completed game? I guess , this graphic changes are nice, but they are wasting time, it could be invested for finishing the whole game, or not? Maybe you can explain this to me? Thanks a lot.
Btw, is there a final release date or a direction for those one, you can tell me?
The graphics changes are only of tertiary concern. Secondary concern are the improved UI and game mechanics, of primary concern is that the fundamental underlying structure of the game even allows for what we originally planned on doing. Hence the last two years of switching over to UE4. It is MUCH more than superficial, and the game could not be completed properly without that changeover.
Nothing specific yet, we’re too early in the development cycle for the update to tell, but I would estimate 2-3 months before we’re in a spot where campaign play works well enough to go into open beta.