New Video: Building a Car from Start to Finish (2012) and an

Oh, we don’t have the UI bits to get to the car designer right now, so we had to hack in a keyboard shortcut to get to it :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol everyone is wants to know the shortcut… I could have guess to :wink:
As always love your work. Can’t wait for the release a couple of mates at work look excited too but they are tight and will probably buy it after the demo is released.

Looks fantastic.

It’s a pretty good thing for me to say that the only qualm I have after seeing this video is the measurement units used in the car’s specs. I feel like it’s not even worth me pointing out that we should be able to select our units of measurement.

Can’t wait for the demo!

:open_mouth: I love the platform/model designer; It looks great and I can’t wait to see how it continues to develop. As for the demo release date, I’m counting down the days. 27 :slight_smile:

[quote=“Orange Exige”]Looks fantastic.

It’s a pretty good thing for me to say that the only qualm I have after seeing this video is the measurement units used in the car’s specs. I feel like it’s not even worth me pointing out that we should be able to select our units of measurement.

Can’t wait for the demo![/quote]

To quote the FAQ :smiley:

[quote]4. I don’t know what a kW even is, where are my Horsepowers!?

You’ll be able to choose whatever combination of units you like, you could have weight in pounds but power in KW if you wanted, or power in HP but distance in Miles - you should be able to set it up to use whatever unit scheme your country usually uses.[/quote]

Its amazing that this pops up every time… You should call it “Automation the game where you can select the units of measure you like and design cars or something…”

BTW i got the early knock off WOOT 2 and a half hours early \o/

Oh god, the Time to Failure on that car in the video is 216 meters…man, I would not want to buy that!

But it’s looking amazing, guys. Can’t wait to try the demo.

Talk about depreciation when you drive it off the lot! :astonished:

[quote=“Astor”]Oh god, the Time to Failure on that car in the video is 216 meters…man, I would not want to buy that!

But it’s looking amazing, guys. Can’t wait to try the demo.[/quote]

It’s the newest Cossack model! :laughing:

Zsolti, you didn’t quite get the philosophy of Cossack Autos. In the Cossack Autos, low reliability is the concious sacrifice done to bring the costs down. Here, it’s just a design failure. Or a sacrifice to raise the power output. I wouldn’t put aluminium head and block into any of my cars.

why not?


why not?[/quote]

Iron is cheaper! And in the Cossack Autos dictionary cheaper and better means the same

Cossack Autos is not only about cheapness you know, It’s also about exotic material. So they won’t use Iron They’ll use Zinc.

Now i need to find a way to dont go to school on the release date

Zinc block with polonium pistons would be great…

I cant imagine the live expectancy on that engine… zinc and polonium…

It would have a MTTF for the engine and another for the driver…

Do you think lead oil pan would be cheap enough for a Cossack?

Wood would be used more propably

maybe a cheap kitchen pan? :stuck_out_tongue: