Niata Trackday - [ SUBMISSIONS CLOSED ]

Last minute, tried my best to make an NA competitor, just due to the superior throttle response.

The Analogator

268 hp
153 lb-ft of torque
0-60 in 4.2s
86 throttle response
2260 lbs

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1997 Nazda Niata (not really)

Finally, a Niata body kit that makes it look dumber than stock


While grading, an interesting scenario has arisen where two cars already bottom out due to downforce, preventing a sportiness and drivability rating. I am currently investigating the extent of this issue and whether this is isolated, as well as the least invasive fix for it (spring stiffness vs downforce angle). Right now my intent is to still test these cars as is for every stat except Drivability and Sportiness, and then clone them and fix them. If this is only a small number of cars with this issue, I will simply assign penalties, however if this seems to be a common trend due to whatever update nonsense has occurred as of late, I will either have to have a set fix protocol or re-analyze some parts of the grading.

Check the number of wings/aero pieces on the car. Perchance there are just a few too many applied by an over-zealous engineer going for ultimate high-speed cornering at the cost of scraping the exhaust?

I can imagine who one of them is, and I can confirm that that is exactly what I was going for.

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Has my entry been missed, or has it not been added so far?

If you want, I can resubmit my car, and it will not violate the regulations.
At the same time I will improved our car even more to compile serious competition for my rivals.
You also have not considered my application yet.

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If your name isn’t up yet, don’t worry, I’m still finding time to submit scores, I hope to have it all set by the weekend

Just a quick check-in to see if you have an update on the review progress?


Since Warren_Boofit forgot to evaluate everyone, I suggest that we find a new participant, a host, who will evaluate all of our works. I propose that we redo our cars and leave the conditions the same. The evaluation will be done by performance in Beam and points in Automation - if you like.

Just be patient for fucks sake. It’s been two weeks- not two months. IRL stuff probably came up, happens to the best of us.