NTL Cars Co

This is the ADN’s (Autos Der Nagy) topic. I will post the cars here with details. The next car is: ADN PCS FCC V8.

Here’s a link to ADN Nitbrun:

We got an order from the Grande-Valnoso((Unexcisting country)) Polis Comando Svella. They want a fast police muscle car. MISSION ACCEPTED!

It is ADN Now. (Autos Der Nagy)

I hope you don´t take this in a bad way but… Why you people open this cryptic kind of topics? Its easier if you just put some photos here and explain your idea instead of puting a link to a non-working gallery in a confusing website and speak about orders and name changes. Its just an advise as a forum user, you can do thinks the way you prefer and i´m ok with it :smiley: