Octane Confusion

I have a couple questions regarding octane

  1. Have you ever heard of the R+M/2 method for rating octane ? its every where over here. lowest= 87 mid-grade=93 premium= 98 (the pumps where i live have only those three options :stuck_out_tongue: )

  2. Does it make sense to make an engine for the European market on 98 octane and then in order to market those same engines in the U.S, kick the octane down to 91 (RON) and lower the compression to make the engine run with that octane ? ( I am struggling with this concept for some reason :stuck_out_tongue: )

There is currently a bug in the demo which might cause some confusion: Even when you’ve selected AKI as a unit (which is R+M/2), the unit displayed is still RON instead of AKI… but the number is as if it were AKI.

And for your second point: yes, you will need to make sure your engine runs on 80 RON fuel if you want to establish your brand on the Kazakh markets ;D (while running 91 AKI in the US and 98 RON in Europe).

thanks for clearing that up.

about my second question, maybe i just needed someone to confirm that im thinking right ? lol

Yes, about your second point, it would make sense to make a lower compression engine for a market that only had lower octane fuel, what’s your confusion on that point?

I guess I was over thinking it :stuck_out_tongue: (i tend to do that often)