I’m playing current open beta branch of automation (Build: 200203.11823.1719.Manual). Found a bug while playing campaign, but all of the following metrics I have produced in sandbox.
You might want to check out Boxer 4, Dircet Acting OHC, (full cast iron) Eco Single Carburettor settings. I can only make them not knock with Regular leaded fuel in 1955 with quite extreme settings:
- Minimal engine size: 50x50 mm
- Compression 6.0:1, Cam 100
- Standard intake, Fuel Mixture 13.2, Ignition timing 0, RPM limit 7500
- Exhaust Cast Log, 12.7mm diameter, Second mufffler Reverse Flow
- All quality sliders at default 0
They can’t really be this bad, right?
Why I believe this is a bug:
- No other engine acts this way
- Octane ratings for other Boxer-4 carburettor configurations, with all other settings the same:
Single barrel,single carburettor: 74.8 RON
Single barrel, twin carburettor74.0 RON
!!!Single barrel eco, single carburettor 92.0 RON !!!
Single barrel eco, twin carburettor 74 RON
2 barrel, single carburettor 74,8 RON
2 barrel, twin carburettor 72.9 RON
DCOE, Singe carburettor 73.7 RON
DCOE, Twin Carburettor 72.2 RON
In comparison, Boxer 6, Direct acting OHC, all other settings the same
SIngle barrel eco, sing carburettor 75.2 RON
Single barrel eco, twin carburettor 72.9 RON -
I checked all the other engine block types available in 1955, all of their single barrel eco, single carbs are ~75 RON. Boxer 4 stands out alone.
I checked all the engine block types in 2020: boxer-4 89.7 RON, all the others 73.5 ±1 RON.
I checked other valve systems for Boxer 4: all of their single eco carbs have abnormally high RON:s. PR and DAOHC 92 RON, OHC and DOHC 90.5 RON.
Therefore there’s some bug in single barrel eco, single carburettors setting files, that affects ONLY boxer-4 engines. Misstype in a datasheet, I presume.
Maybe this bug has slipped by, because who the heck uses boxer 4 engines anyways.