Potental Al-Rilma Challenge

Hello all,

I am currently in the process of editing a challenge I am thinking of hosting, and I have decided that I will host in using the Al-Rilma version of the game. I know currently that almost all of the ongoing challenges running now are on the Ellisbury version, since it is more stable, so I was hoping to gauge interest for one using the new updates. It would be a hopefully more simple one that wouldn’t be adversely affected by any future updates to Al-Rimla that would occur between now and whenever the challenge would be finished up, but we would have to see.

Anyway, below is a poll to see what the current consensus is on the challenge.

  • No, we don’t want a challenge on Al-Rilma now
  • If the challenge is good enough, we might
  • Yes, we want to see a challenge on Al-Rilma
0 voters

If anyone wants to further discuss using Al-Rilma for challenges in the future, here should be as good a spot as any.

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As I have understood it, Al Rilma is compatible with older car files. My suggestion at the moment is then a design only challenge, it would then be open to everyone and not affected by updates, at least not by much?


You might be right. The changes to engineering for the update will require significant reworking of existing cars that were made in the current stable release.

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My current plan is somewhat heavy on the engineering side, which is why if I did end up posting this one up it would be Al-Rilma only.


The Al-Rilma Update is, at least in my opinion, absolutely not ready to host a community challenge; there’s too much changing and too many balance issues being worked on for it to be enjoyable or even usable for that purpose.

My advice is to wait at least until we’ve gone from an open alpha test to an open beta test, which will be some time from now still.


Okay, no worries then. I still should probably refine the comp anyway so I can wait with this particular idea.

Please please PLEASE do this. Every challenge I have seen since I joined (granted that was yesterday) is Ellisbury only, or its that 3d design one. I REALLY want to showcase my skills in a challenge but I can’t since I dunno how badly my game would break if I went back to the “Stable” branch. (The initial stable to beta transition already broke one of my favorite cars…)