Just wondering why the “Turbocharged Edition” has been changed to the “Supercharged Edition”? Is it to differenciate between who joined earlier on in the games development from those later on?
Am i right in saying the only difference between the two is access to a free download of the soundtrack?
There’s no chronological order for those ranks. The devs made a Rockethub funding campaign some years ago and depending on how much you spent you got one of those ranks. See here.
Ah ok, I get ya!, it’s the same as kickstarter. Awesome to look back and see what the game was like in that video back then to where its got to now and seeing the vision you guys had coming to life.
Of course! You are a mere peasant of the Automation community No, but seriously: who f-ing cares? You bought the premium edition of the game and thus support its development… and get beefcake V16s, which is a plus.
They probably will be done after the game is finished as DLC, but we get them for free, if I’m not mistaken, so a sort of seasons pass? I think I read that somewhere. Would be cool if they were exclusive though, I mean, not many cars can fit V16’s anyways xD (And we’ll be the only ones to have the 12k redlines because we can run these with ridiculously low bore, mwuahah)