Prototypes ( Engine, Cars, Company )

Wondering if we can create concept cars/ prototypes of engines and car bodies? Can we like market or ad the idea to see what the consumer wants/feels?

Mercy :question:

I thought it’ll be a good topic for a question

Technically, every engine/car you build from scratch is a prototype until it goes into production. However, the idea of entering a prototype into a car show to gauge customer interest sounds like a novel idea! Unless there’s a significant cost associated with doing that, though, I think it would take away from the excitement of the game. (spending more time gauging customer interest so you can build the “perfect” car and less time actually building/selling them)

Your thoughts?

Slim jim- I think that its true that in the begining stages evrything is a prototype because u are in the beginning stages at developing cars but I think its fun to ad a prototype that the consumer Would like into the gameply. Someway to make it fun and not boring. What else can someone add to make it cool and fun to automation and the realism of the game. Any thoughts?

Sounds like a great idea, Making prototypes for auto-shows or taking prototypes and concepts to a press-release or a track to get the press to test it and vent their thoughts to the public is a well proven concept.
Also making a very small series of a specific car and release it to the public and then inspect the car and get the drivers opinions will make it easier for the company in making the final, improved model.

Exactly, it’s like a make or break situation to improve your vehicle trim line, engine choices, ect. If there was a way? Anyone wants to add to this topic? :idea:

How about prototype subdivisions of another company u own? Just a thought!

Any other takes or ideas for this topic?

Yes, I got an idea…
how about not triple posting in your thread in order to artificially keep it alive?