QFC46 - A Most Luxurious Ride [DONE, reviews out]

So…any progress with the new round? :slight_smile:


Yeah sorry its taking longer than I thought. Got the story down, got the art ready, just need to decide on the technical requirements. Since this is my first time hosting, its taking a bit learning what I need to watch out for.


Still, don’t forget the Q in QFC, and there is usually a rules deliberation period anyway where others can point out potential gaps in your own criteria…


Yeah again my apologies for taking so long. It’s taking longer than I would’ve wanted too. Unfortunately being almost done I don’t think switching hosts to take over would be faster. Currenty discourse CSS is the largest hindrance and as im aware of the last hindrance.


Take your time, quality comes before quantity :saluting_face:

From what I have seen, Galexzilla has put in quite a lot of work in the actual challenge brief this far, so it would be quite a shame to dump all of that now. I can agree that it took “a bit too long” but I guess a first time host could have some leeway, though. So, just try to get the CSS done as quick as possible.

But I agree that sometimes QFC tend to creep away from Q and then there’s not much sense behind keeping up with the challenge series at all, we don’t need “CSR 2.0”, it was supposed to be a fast paced challenge that was easy to get into after all, so…that’s not directed against any certain person, it has been like this for quite a time now and the first one without sin can throw the first rock.


Ooooh, so QFC means quick fire challenge or what? :sweat_smile:

