Random questions

I have no idea what I’m doing in regard to these forums, but I felt like somewhere to ask small questions would be nice.
Anyone can ask questions, and if anyone knows the answer, they should reply!
And if something like what is being has been answered before, feel free to post a link to the relevant information. Maybe I’m being too optimistic on the enthusiasm of people wanting/needing this, and also do tell me if this has been done already

Anyway I made this mainly bc I have a lot of questions of my own lol. Starting with:

The Automation currency thing.

What is it roughly equivalent to? And does it take inflation into account?
Basically, I want to know what the current CSR budget of 40000 2005 automation dollarydoos compares to irl.

2012 United States Dollars.

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thank you!

It does not.
(Older cars do tend to be cheaper though, just because older technologies tend to be simpler/cheaper)

I get a weird sense of deja vu from this rear bumper, have I copied it from a real car? I can’t remember where it could be from lol
or is it just really generic?

My brain says Ferrari

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Does Auto have a gamma/brightness setting? cuz white paint is usually really blown out for me

Can anyone ask random questions here, or just you?

Asking for a friend.

Go ahead, have no idea if anyone will reply though lol

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I feel it, might get an answer…might not.

I know I be havin hella random questions.