Reading the LUA files and understanding the Tables

Yesterday when I was getting my engine in for the Hill climb challenge I was tasked with reading the revs at 3000rpm and at 5000rpm but since I couldnt get an accurate reading I had to head into the LUA file and thats where I got lost but I figured it out because it took me a while to work out what was going on…but I would like to find out if I am correct or not with this

– Table: {104}

Those are the 2 tables I looked up in the LUA file…and heres my guess…

the first line so thats below the { is RPM
then its Torque
then Power

Those are the first 2 lines I understand but Line 3 and Line 4 thats “334.74887084961, 5.2948546409607,” do not make sense to me…WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!

the bottom line is what the RPM reads I know that but I would like to know what all those lines mean in the tables can someone fill me in please its just so I know what those 2 last lines as in the 344.74887084961 and the 5.2948546409607 mean…

power (kw)
torque (nm)
economy (lt/100gm)

last one …dunno. it steadily increase with rpm, so i dont think its economy, power or torque based. dont think it’s loudness or emissions, either. It’s not boost or cams.

oil pressure… maybe?

James it isnt that way I know at 3000rpm I checked by lowering the rev limit to 3000 that engine produces 92.6kW not 295kW

at 3k rpm its 92.6kW and 295Nm torque

yes i listed the first two the wrong way round. you asked about the 3rd and 4th though :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah what do lines 3 and 4 mean, corrected my first statement LOL

Well, the 3rd is economy. I’ve already said that lol

So line 3 is Economy…so its

what is the unknown factor then Oil Pressure?