Real Design Challenge

Dont quit. At the very least, make cars for you and drive them in Beam.

But if you want to get better, enter the challenges and take whatever criticisms, ask questions.

In hindsight, my tendency to max out the options list without accounting for quality sliders seems to be my consistent downfall for these kinds of things. I could have definitely scrimped on the suspension, the transmission could have been geared better, etc.

@TwistedUmbreon I left some out-of-character helpful notes in brackets and see that others have said the same thing. Ask for feedback when you’re not sure, people are happy to help. Also useful is using the internet (Wikipedia is especially helpful here) to look up other cars from the time period to get some ideas on how to proceed with your engineering.

@Portalkat42 A lot of points were relative and run through a formula, and in those metrics there was a better car for every stat, but the best stat performers either fell flat on other stats or were builds that suffered on styling. I also didn’t quite give your car the full points for the styling and period correctness for the reasons outlined in the review. Even if I maxed out all the non-stat points you’d still barely be above 70.

@nvisionluminous Your car did very well with some of the stats. The main downfalls were the price, along with dated styling and too modern engineering. Design is definitely a skill that takes time to develop, but going with simpler more period-correct engineering would have done a lot for the value and period correctness points even if some stats would have suffered.


That’s fair. I guess that’s what I get for pulling cues directly from '93 dodge models and not slightly newer. Other than the center section of the grill and the less rounded shapes, the ideas for the hideaways and the lower facia come directly from the '93 Dodge Stealth. The majority of the rear comes from the '93 Dodge Daytona. Both ideas were run through the lense of the '70 charger. I do agree that the body does feel kinda bulbous and fat, but that’s '90s Aero design for you. X3


This makes me feel bad I didn’t participate.
Love the idea, will look forward to the next one! :slight_smile:

FYI: While I am still planning on hosting the next round of this, I’m deep in the trenches of a CSR build and until that is done I won’t be able to put my time towards putting the next round together.


No rush, this isn’t one of those wham bang thank you ma’am challenges you hammer out as fast as possible.

I’m hoping that it remains a casual, long deadline thing for those serious about design to put the time in to make something great.


No rush about this but is there any update on what’s up?
Im quite interested to see what’s next

Just take your time - I’d expect RDC2 to get its own thread, though, for clarity’s sake.

I spoke to Portalkat about it a while ago, seems to be in the making.