so… way back in the day, when i was but a humble 3-month contractor fresh out of uni and new to this whole ‘job’ thing, i made the '80s scene.
it wasnt supposed to take the whole 3 months of the contract, and it ended up taking a lot longer than that, but while we were trying to figure out what to do with it, we came up with this idea…
the idea was, there would be new design rooms for every era. we started off thinking every 20 years or so, since that would give us plenty of granularity for aesthetics while not being too much work to do.
needless to say, it never went anywhere, since it took so long to make. I am not fast.
i am thorough, but i am not fast.
so we never made other scenes, not for a few years anyway- the '10s design room took a few years for us to even start because there were so many other things to do!
but while i was making the '80s scene, we had this idea that the ‘quality’ of the factory you’d make the car in would determine the rate at which the design room for that factory would deteriorate- a really old and grungy design room should look old and grungy.
now this was several iterations of this design room ago, so a lot of the stuff here doesn’t quite look as it should, but since it takes more work to un-hook things up than it does to just ignore them, and since ignoring it didn’t really impact anything, we kinda just left it in.
but here’s what that would sorta have looked like- every year, the rooms would get more dirt and wear and grunge in them.
it doesn’t do anything in any of the other design rooms, and even here it doesnt look right any more, but…
one of those bits of dirt and grunge we were going to have was this conrod stuck in the control room door that would appear if your design room got too old!