Render - All Chassis Types

Here are all the available chassis types (Although more may be added later)
These will all be available in a wide variety of sizes and proportions.

From left to right

Ladder Frame
Steel Monocoque
Steel Spaceframe
Carbon Fibre Monocoque


Awesome :smiley:

Turn it around and Make VW Beetle Chassis :laughing:

nice work,

i can make a ute nice

Looks great :smiley:

but there is just one thing:

Are you sure you don’t mean body-on-frame instead of unibody. :wink:

A derp! typed in the wrong listing there, ill fix that :stuck_out_tongue:

They look amazing. If you need more ideas just google for TVR ones :smiley:

Great update!! :smiley:
Looks good, very exited to see how this unfolds

Woah, those look really good indeed! Now I just imagine the pain in the ass they must have been to make. xD How will you be able to scale them with car size? Different fixed-sized models or are you planning on having length and width scalable by the player?

Different fixed sizes - if you look at real cars you’ll find that there is really only about 7 different sizes of wheelbase/track/chassis length, so we can cover a lot of different cars with fixed sizes (plus you can adjust how much the body overhangs the chassis)

in the words of Borat “Very nigh-ssss

looking very nice! :slight_smile: although, will you take into account different engine placings? i would assume that they would have different chassis needs

Yeah, they’re cool! ^^
Good work, keep it up! :wink:

Oh, yeah those are front engine only - there are mid/rear engine ones in the works too :stuck_out_tongue:

Styles like the LP700-4 and MP4-12C?

You mean like the carbon fibre tub with steel frame pictured on the far right? (with slightly more tubes and each of them thinner admittedly)

Indeed. :wink: