Ridge Racer: Ryan Barton Design Headquarters

Sorry in advance for derailing the thread. I’m just putting this out here for clarification… As a salaried professional with not that much free time, there are two main ramifications: 1) my free time is valuable 2) it takes me months to finish a design with which I’m happy.

To put things into perspective if I value my free time the same as my work time (if anything it’s more valuable because it’s rarer but whatever) 8 USD equates to about ten minutes of my time. And a car I make for Beam export usually takes me 50-100 working hours. So that’s why even if the market value of something is “whatever people would pay for it” I would never put a numerical value on the worth of something I created with my free time in a video game unless there was a very specific demand.

I know you’re not actually selling these now but I know other people have an entire Patreon business model based on this. I just don’t get how people would think it’s worth paying for. Maybe that’s why I have savings there’s my ok boomer moment. And if I did want to pay for this, it would underscore that the market needs to provide icentive for me to pay for something. This means something with intrinsic value (already struck this one off), something beyond my resource or skill set (to be honest, no), or some other reason that evokes sympathy or a sentiment that I would want to support (which just about no-one in this community has ever made a good case for).

People need to really develop skills of understanding for what reason they would pay for stuff, as opposed to frittering what they don’t even make themselves for the sake of having shit. /rant

TL;DR: my impression is that I’m going to be too busy and slow to get a design done for this, plus there’s no incentive for me to seek the reward because we seem to work on different scales. So I might as well keep doing what I do because it won’t make much of a difference :joy:


Aesthetically, the Samurai is the closest thing on these forums to the rendition of the Crinale introduced in RR6 and later featured in RR: Unbounded. It definitely looks more futuristic than the versions featured in earlier games.

Nah, that’s alright. I only said the reward was just a little “Thanks.”

Do you like it @abg7 ?

Holy shit this is amazing! @RidgeRacerRyanBarton Did you make this yourself?

Ok hold up there buddy something isn’t working here.

It’s been mentioned not once but multiple times now and it appears it is still happening. I’m not here to rain on your parade and destroy what appears to be a very good time you’re having, but you are continuing to ignore a forum rule on multiple occasions that has been brought up to you multiple times. I’m no mod, neither is our kind fellow Strop who has pointed it out to you, but we’re bringing this to your attention before it becomes an actual issue.

Check the following forum rule here:

You can find said rules on the pinned “Automation Forum Rules” thread in “General Chat” or clicking on the link here

It is just as easy to edit a post as it is to create a new one. For the sake of forum etiquette and not annoying further people, I really highly suggest you start following the rules otherwise people are going to get annoyed with you, starting flagging your posts, blocking you etc. which isn’t the way anybody wants things to go. We’re a very friendly community, please don’t ruin it by doing something so simple yet irritating.

Thank you and good luck.

I apologize for the trouble, as I have said many times. The rules have been UPDATED.

See, @Cheeseman? I edited, just like you said. Next time, please encourage all other users and followers which are NOT part of the staff to follow them as well, for the sake of having a good time, as y’all seem so bent on encouraging, of which I am super-supportive. Just a little reminder. Thanks!

The drawing was today, and the winner is…
@schultzie! Thanks for being awesome. My computer took a dump the other day, so when I get it fixed I will PM you the prize. Thanks!