Roll To Dodge... Redux

Hello, and welcome to Roll to Dodge…again.

So, the last time we had this game going on, we had Hitler turning people into Volkswagens. We had sentient Moldavian pickups. We had horribly underperforming Cossacks. Then the game died for some reason. Weird. It’s time to revive it, don’t you think? Lemme copy paste the OP from the previous one. (with some changes).

Roll to Dodge is a free-form role-playing game (usually played over forum or IRC) designed to have simple enough rules that anyone can jump in and start playing immediately. (don’t think I came up with it. It’s so simple I would not be original even if I did create something like that myself). The rules go like this:

Each turn, a player submits an action and, at the end of the turn, GM (me, that is) rolls a six-sided dice, one for each player to determine the result of each action.

There are six levels of success, depending on the number rolled, shown below:

1 - Critical Failure - The action is effectively not performed and instead backfires horribly. (Even if you have positive modifiers, a natural 1 (a premodifier 1, that is) can result in a critical failure. Whether you do get one or not depends on a saving die throw. If you roll more than your modifier - for example, more than 2 for +2 - you get a critical failure anyways. Otherwise, you get an ordinary failure)
2 - Failure - The action is not performed, pretty much.
3 - Partial success - The action is performed, but the results aren’t as good as the player wanted. Alternately, you fail, but not without a bonus.
4 - Success - The action is performed adequately.
5 - Epic Success - The action is performed very well, better than expected.
6 - Overshoot - The action is performed too well for your own good, and has unforeseen consequences. (You need to get a natural 6 for that. If you get to a 6 with the help of modifiers, you get an Epic Success instead.)

When you are attacked or overshoot (and sometimes, when you get a critical failure too) , you will have to Roll to Dodge the attack. This works exactly the same as the normal action, except it’s performed automatically, and the 6 counts as you counter-attacking the attacker.

You can do any action you wish (Go to some other place, try to find something, craft something from the items in your equipment, attack somebody, for an instance). Keep it kinda reasonable though. If you decide to do something gamebreaking (for an instance, become invulnerable to any attacks), I WILL nerf your action. Also, keep in mind that in most of the locations in the game, most of the location’s features are completely unknown (even by me) until the feature gets brought up (and possibly settled by the die roll). For an instance, if you are looking for a shelter in some outdoors location, and get a 4, it’ll turn out some hut or something like this was there all along.

Oh, and keep to one action per turn (I’ll be angry if you try to skew that one too much). Oh, and talking’s usually a free action.

Now, due to the nature of Roll to Dodge, I won’t be doing any special signups. You just can jump into the play. (with some nice arrival as the first action perhaps). Every player begins with 40 HP and some ordinary clothing…

The first roll will be after 4 players come in, or in roughly 24 hours from now, whichever comes later. (I hope)

Ok, so here’s the zeroth description:

The automation community meetup… it was not a good idea. You don’t remember shit from the party last night (at least you hope it was last night), and you all wake up in a forest.

The first players face the scenario above.

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Sweet, here we go! I’ll play as myself, scatterbrained Stroppy McHorseguy.

Rubbing my head, I was not sure what was more prominent, the drunkedness, the hangover, or whether it was something else entirely. Whatever it was, it had to be something crazy because even if I was blind drunk off the ends off the Earth, I always remember what happened yesterday, for better or worse… looking around, it certainly seemed that many others were having the same experience.

…also, this aboreal setting was evoking something primal within me. No, the first thing I wanted to do, was to revive the party!


well i’ll join in aswell, my character is me cosplaying an anime character.

we’re in the woods it would seem, well… i guess we must’ve partied very hard for us to end up like this, i must’ve parked close by.

ACTION: look for where i parked.

I don’t really understand this but I shall join as well…

I am the Crazy Canadian guy! :stuck_out_tongue:

But if we are in a forest there must be some trees that we could climb so we can see where we are.

ACTION: Climb a tree.

YAY! RTD is back. With Roland A. Respondek (or pyrlix) as character.

Okay that was a rough party, and i have a massive headache too… maybe i drank a bit too much with the devs. Or was it that Doctor that recommended that special Australian drink he brought… Either way, i need to get home SOMEHOW.
I should fire up my Phone and look on my offline Maps where the heck i am.

Action: Reach for my smartphone in the pocket and open the offline maps app.

I only got a taste of RTD when I ended up in that beetle trunk. I’ll be myself.

Ugh. Something is wrong with me. All I remember is being in a New Beetle Trunk and desperately trying to get out. Is that the BRC 1966 Communist Hatchback?

ACTION: Inspect the car.

I’ll take part as myself, Leo, with my limited capabilities (I’m just not quite creative enough to come up with a whole new character).

My eyes. Who opened the curtains so early, I wonder. The pain in my head is enormous and I feel like I need to throw up, maybe I did that already. That would explain this awful smell that’s emanating.
I can barely focus on anything and my eyes can’t quite be open wide, but enough to learn that I’m not at home. Right now, I could do with some food and water, to see if this hangover will go away.

ACTION: Try to find sweets and water.

I will take part as myself, Evan, for the same reason as Leo.

Ugh. I don’t know what happened last night… I can’t (and didn’t) even drink, I’m underage. Maybe somebody spiked the brownies or something… Where the hell am I anyways? The forest? I hate nature.
Well, sitting here isn’t going to do anything… I’ll go look for something… Or someone.

ACTION: Go search for supplies or another member of the party.

Roll result:3

You yell the outdated viral song quote. With ease, I’d say. But nobody came…

cpufreak101: Looks for where he parked.
Roll result:3

That’s peculiar. You see, you’ve found a small house. a hut maybe, or something like that. And you’ve found your Trailblazer. Bad news? It has somehow found its way onto the roof, with no obvious way back to the ground. Good news? It seems perfectly fine. Not a single scratch.

You see a guy looking at it.

**Speedemon:**Climbs a tree…
Roll result:5

You climb the first tree you see. On the way up, you find a deserted treehouse, and a 3 bottles of maple syrup inside. Then you climb it, and see some sort of observation tower far away from you guys.

pyrlix: Checks his position on an offline map in his phone
Roll result:6

“Checking position…”
“Cannot find your location in the home dimension… checking alternate dimensions”
“Processing power to low… automatic overclocking applied.”

You feel your phone getting hotter, and hotter.

Roll to dodge the consequences of phone overheating: 1

Shit. Now you have no phone. And your hand got burned (-5 HP). Well, at least you know you’re not in your home dimension anymore.

nerd: Inspects a car.
You roll a:2

Nope, that’s a Trailblazer. You can’t inspect it closely though. It’s stuck on a roof of a small house. Some guy in an anime cosplay walks up to you.

Leonardo9613: Looks for sweets and water
You roll a:6

You stray from the group, looking for anything sweet. Or for any water. Or for both. And you stumble upon an assembly resembling a tree, made out of candy bars, and bottles full of water. wtf. You walk up closer to see if it’s real. And then reality realises it shouldn’t be.

Roll to dodge a candy structure collapsing on you: 4

You get out of the way easily. And see that the water and the candy are completely real. That should be enough, if you ask me.

titleguy1: Looks for supplies or party members
You roll a: 4
Party members, are all around you. You do however, find a backpack full of dried, canned, or otherwise conserved food.

Info about Player Characters, Nonplayer Characters, Locations. … edit#gid=0

Ouch… that hurts alot… now my brand new phone is broken. So where the heck are we.
I guess we were abducted and probed by some extra terrestials. Excellent. All thanks to the stupid idiots who build the flying saucers in the 40s.

Maybe i should get some materials to build basic tools. Its survival! Like in ARK or Minecraft probably.

Action: Look for materials to build tools.

Great! Food! This could definitely come in handy some other time.
What the hell was that?

ACTION: Go investigate the crashing noise.

Looks like things are getting a bit interesting…

After I see a random car on top of a house I start to wonder. Deserted treehouse, observation tower, maple syrup, house in the distance… Could this be my house? :astonished: I belive the observation tower is a distant an internet tower or something. Seems a lot like my neighborhood.

ACTION: Get out of tree and go to house.

“well i found my car at least… and hey, there’s someone else, i’ll talk to him about trying to get my Trailblazer off the roof.”

ACTION: talk to nerd about coming up with a plan to get the Trailblazer off the roof.

Bottled water, sweets, perfect for my hangover.

I also see someone with a backpack walking towards me.

ACTION: Eat and drink some of the found food and yell at the dude for him to get some too.

That looks like the trailblazer now.
Also looks like the owner wants to talk to me, and why is it on a roof?

ACTION: Discuss plan with cpufreak on getting the Trailblazer down from the roof.

I’m playing as the same guy, Conan, as the last time so… This is totally happening again? Dammit. I don’t even know how I got away the last time. Ah well I guess if I survived then, I could survive now.

Action: Go to the candy tree and take a handful of sweet.

I’m playing as myself.

Wh… Whaaaa? What happened? I was sleeping on a rock and everything smells like puke! I shouldn’t have trusted them when they said “There are no drugs here”

Anyways… I need to get out of here, and quickly. Hold on, is that a car?!

ACTION: Run towards the Trailblazer

Nicee! I’m playing as my modified forum persona Air Jordan, smooth, unuspicious, guy.

Mmmmm…so soooft… sooo mushy… soo… WHAT THE FU—… Where…? Oh shit… Woods. Now this is new. mumbling granny’s brownies my ass…

Still quite shakey, dizzy, probably stoned and not knowing what’s actually happening:
ACTON: I check if I suddenly gain any superpowers.

Interesting. I’ll play as myself as well.

wakes up Man, I’m never doing that again. Wait. How the… What the…
bangs metal HELP! Someone!?
I’m locked inside my Galant’s trunk
Action: Continues banging and yelling for help

Whelp, that’s what I get for being a tool. Only having myself to be embarrassed for, I realise my headache is getting worse. Any more, and I’m gonna have a bad time…

Action: go looking for water, or somebody who knows where water is.