Server hosting changes

Hey guys. As some of you might have noticed, there were some problems with the Automation servers. Caswal has decided to change providers, as the new server has much more performance than the old one (64GB of Ram VS 2-4, Intel Xeon instead of “Server grade CPU”).

Sorry for all of the inconvenience caused, and hopefully it’ll be the end of those problems. If there are any problems with the website or multiplayer servers, don’t hesitate to contact one of the Moderators or Devs. Chances are, the Core team as already found the problem, or it has been caused by an update/upgrade, but we’ll try to let you all know beforehand if downtime is planned.

Finally, be sure to visit the Automation facebook page here if you encounter any problems, as the Core team might have updated the Facebook page first.

Thank you all for your patience!

A bit of data was lost, but the change to the new server was well worth it. Thanks for being so quick to fix the problem. You guys are the best!

Okay so I am not losing my marbles just yet. All day I thought I’d seen things this morning but could find no trace of them.

The coolest thing was that Caswal and Andrew are in the process of moving to NZ, and did this (With the help of Robert I think) in less than a day. Props to them!

As for the data lost, I wouldn’t know anything about that, but yeah, I agree. The more powerful server is definitely worth the move :slight_smile:

switched servers in the middle of a out of country move, I guess there really are wizards down there. Best of luck with setting up!

How do you connect with the multiplayer server? I can’t seem to connect to it :blush:

Huh, I’m getting that error too. Not sure if the “few days” includes right now too. I’ll check and get back to you on that.

EDIT: Yep, I just spoke to Killrob. It should be up soon though!

So it wasn’t me. I was about to pull my hair out thinking it was my firewall. lol