SOHC cam problem

Straight-4 8V SOHC

There is a little animation problem, it happens on 2nd and 4th cylinder (counting from the timing belt side). The exhaust valve rocker arms are lifted before the actual cam arrives in the position in which it should lift. The intake ones are working good though.
Can you please try to fix that? :slight_smile:

I hardly noticed that…but great eyesight :slight_smile:

I almost didn’t notice that either :smiley: But I just love to watch the engine run :smiley: It’s like “Hey, I actually built this thing” you know that feeling right? :smiley:

do all the engine configs lets see what other mistakes you can spot I know there is the Wifi cooling system with the turbos lol

Actually I can spot only the demo bugs :smiley: I need money for the TURBOS!!! :smiley:

I found a little something while trying any possible combination of cam/valve configurations. They all seem to be fine, but this is really buggin’ me :smiley:

And a little more, as you can see, all the valves are the same diameter shaft, but exhaust valves should be larger, so they can stand the heat of exhaust gases.

keep them coming!

Almost forgot to try other SOHC :smiley: it happens on all of them 2, 3 and 4 valve configs, sorry for that…

do all you can with the Demo then when you get the turbo edition I spotted one with the OHV config on the V8 where the push rod doesnt move it ghosts through the cam