I’m trying to achieve best acceleration and I wanted to make a simple custom track, a straight line of 1 mile with sector 1 at 1/4 of mile and sector 2 at 1 Km.
I used http://bmarques.net/automation-track-builder/ to do it. It did not work so I downloaded the Github folder with all custom tracks and compared the code. I tired several variations (1 segment, 10 segments, 0 or STRAIGHT, etc.) but none would work.
When I click on the “Play” button to launch the sim, spinning logo appears and stay spinning. Indefinitely.
Could please someone check this and tell me what’s wrong with this ?
--You Can use 0, 1, -1 instead.
local STRAIGHT = 0
local LEFT = 1
local RIGHT = -1
Track = {
Name = "Simple Dragstip",
--Track Image Info
--Track Image must be 1280 x 720
--Start Position on the Image x,y from Top Left
Start = { 204, 347 },
--How many pixels per meter ( Pixels / Length )
--Measure a long straight and then manipulate from there
Scale = 20 / 32,
Layout = { STRAIGHT, },
LayoutInfo = { 1609.3, },
CornerRadius = { 0, },
Slope = { 0, },
Sportiness = { 0, },
Camber = { 0, },
Split1 = 402.3,
Split2 = 1000,
PNG file is 1280*720 pixels and car is positioned correctly on it in Automation as seen on this screen :
Thanks !
The track is working. The combination of this track (car was working as it was on other custom tracks, just some) and this car configuration that would block track simulation. Once I changed suspensions from solid axle coil/double wishbone to pushrod/pushrod and decreased suspension height, the simulation was working.
The SAC/DW + max suspensions height configuration was used because it is, according to “Power vs. Traction” graph, what gives the best acceleration (g). That in BeamNG results in the front lifting during acceleration (from gear 1 to 4 or 5). The car would go in barrel rolls if throttle is kept maxed.
So bonus question : Is that the reason for the simulation not starting in Automation ??
Thanks !