Make a car that would be the perfect car to pull off amazing stunts and tricks!
Are there any rules?
So let’s see… Super fast, super agile… Probably super tough too. Well, I got the first two covered, the rest depends on the kind of stunt work.
Not really any rules so yea… just create a car! Make it like this:
I wanted to create a super hero car challenge but this comes close
Oh well! You can still create it. It may be similar, but it is not the same!
Closed here.
No Rules at all (i will complain if my 0.3L 40s sedan suxx…!)
No Purpose behind it (races? scoring? wut?)
No clear instructions (what to do with the finished cars?)
"Make a car that would be the perfect car to pull off amazing stunts and tricks! " is not a challenge… its something that would require arbitrary scoring, as that cannot be simulated in automation or a excel sheet or in any understandable manner.
Please take a look at how other challenges are made.