Survival of the Fittest [1989]finished]

that means i done screwed up a tad, no matter cuz i’ve tuned my engine nicely. i’ll be dead last for time, tho lol

Make sure that you are using kg and kph in the options menu.

Look at the 120kph figure in economy and multiply it by 50. That’s how much fuel you need (A).

Look at the weight in the Overview tab and divide by 20. That’s how big your fuel tank is (B).

If A is less than B then you’re OK.

If A is greater than B then you’re not.

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seems like im not the only one being totally overwhelmed by the BRC and real life :slight_smile: any chance of postponing this?

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Oh shit yes please. Damn it would be shame to miss sof out.

Crap, totally forgot about this, I’ll get a submission in soon :wink:

Ok, deadline extended till 16th



grrr safety I am forced to use advanced 80’s with +4 to get to 45 why not just say it has to have Advanced safety and yes I have tried different bodies and setups with different metal etc and different seats and materials and getting to 45 needs to use positive sliders with 3 bodies I have tried now. Why force us to have to put quality into safety?

And the setup im using demands a +9, another one I tried, demands a -3. You can try all the bodies you want, you’re testing it from the wrong perspective. It’s not the bodies or the seats, it’s the chassis type and materials as well as the body materials.

Unlike my complaint in your challenge (to which I owe this complaint, i presume), I did not really limit your options in chassis and materials department.

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dude not everything is about what you do, say and think I was simply putting it out there the the safety seams a bit intense for one of your comps and I was taking chassis metals and types into consideration.

I will refuse to believe that to be true… I just cobbled a car together, specially to test it out, and depending on a chosen chassis type, chassis material and body material type I had a lot of different options on how to spec my car with safety, and reach the 45 unit minimum. I managed to test this in under 10 minutes, which makes me think you did not really test it out and just wanted to come here and complain.


So now you call me a liar!? You sir are a typical BMW driver well done with that

Quit acting like boys, and start acting like men, and quit arguing now, before it gets too bad.

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So, let’s check it (Yes, i’ve done this just now just for you, buddy)

I have just shown you 3 random combos of chassis type and materials and the different safety levels needed. Which is exactly the opposite result that you’ve talked about after your tests.

So, yes, yes I actually am calling you a liar.

And I’m also calling you salty.


Just FYI, advanced +3 here, and I technically could’ve passed with Advanced +0, but I changed some materials at the last second and ended up a little over the safety minimums.

With that economy run and no engine quality sliders I don’t think that’s possible…
Damn that safety really is pain in the ass as it limits some older bodies…but oh well it’s the same for all.

i juuuuust about got there, but for the economy thing, im running only 250bhp

I must confess, I don’t know what this actually means. I mean, I get salty when I sweat a lot :joy: Seriously, you should see it, I sweat so much sometimes that the salt literally precipitates onto my skin.

it means i was having a sook which at the time I was. I am going to be an adult and apologize for calling squidy a typical BMW driver I think we clash personality wise a little but its just a furom and game and I pride myself on not being a dickhead so @squidhead I apologize if my statements have offended

here you go.

although that is is a bit narrow.

if you’re having a bad day and even the smallest things annoy you, you’re being salty
if you and someone do something similiar and he gets it easier or something and you’re envious, you’re salty
if you put too much salt into the french fries, it’s also gonna be salty