Suspension Performance Across Tracks?

Hey, I have been messing around with developing race cars that have a comparable performance to their IRL counterparts, and the possibility of turning this into a challenge in the future. However, I was just wondering if changing the suspension tuning is different for each track.

i.e The best suspension tuning for the Automation Test Track is different to say the Elisbury GT Track.

Does the testing take this into account or is performance just based off the overall drivability/sportiness rating?

Yes, it is definitely beneficial to tune the suspension for each individual track if you want to get the maximum out of it in the Automation track simulation. There are two reasons for this:

  • For one track you might want to have better prioritize cornering at lower speeds over cornering at higher speeds, and vice versa. Finding the right compromize for each track will produce different tunings.
  • If the tracks are set up accordingly, some tracks are more or less bumpy/difficult to drive than others. This means the suspension tuning and its effect on drivability/sportiness will be more important on one track than another. This again leads to engineering compromises, in case you need to sacrifice raw cornering potential for better bump absorption.

However, suspension tuning is not as important for lap time optimization in Automation is probably not as important as in real life, as there is no dynamic cornering simulation. So for example dampers will have only the effect on drivability/sportiness, but will not influence anything else.


Thanks for the reply, I’ll take this into account.

Side Question.

Is there any effective way to predict the performance without having to constantly re-run the test lap? Like certain graphs and such in the suspension tab that could give me more info.

With automation tuning suspension is still something Im unsure of.

The suspension tuning in Automation (and the subsequent testing on the ATT in game) is somewhat broken as the softer your suspension is, the faster the car gets… I’ve tried this on a great many of my faster cars and every one of those gets up to a second or more faster with VERY soft suspension and no swaybars and high risk of bottoming out, which is contrary to real-life tuning.


Good to know, I’ll test it out on my cars when I have the chance, might need to impose some min softness if I end up turning into a challenge.

Tuning a car’s suspension for optimal Beam performance on a specific track is a different story, however, and it should warrant its own thread.

Oh, i know this too well :D… and the fact that we can’t set slow and fast rebound in dampers bothers me