The "Awesome places on the net" thread

Post the entertaining websites/webcomics/webseries that you enjoy.

Some of my faves (I’m sure a lot of you will have seen these already) - A retelling of the starwars prequels as a comic strip of a tabletop RPG, with the players decisions explaining a lot of the brokenness of the movies - many lols to be had here.

And also in a similar vein of hating on the star wars prequels and amusement - -Mr. Plinkett’s epic review of the star wars prequel and a huge deconstruction of how broken they are - also pretty funny - Nerdy as hell webcomic. … unctuation - Surely everyone has seen this by now. - British comedy website, question of the week is full of awesome stories, also newsletter has good links of lolness - NSFW however. - 2x rather similar and cool webcomics in post apocalyptic worlds.

More to come when i can be bothered - Now! post cool stuff you’ve found on the interwebs! :stuck_out_tongue: