The Best Kei Sports car! [COMPLETE]

The Sube Rocket 660 is a sporty wedged kei car, and it’s design stands out from the other designs! It’s design is inspired by rockets and spaceships, and the wedge design cuts nicely through the air. However, it’s suspension layout makes it hard for people to comfortable drive around. The unique design makes it stand out from the more cute and curved designs.

The Scarab MY99 Reflex MR 1TEN design is very race inspired. The diffuser and splitter makes it stand out compared to the more civillan designs of the competition. It’s engine, and suspension are made well for driving and sporting, however, it’s comfort remains to be seen, as the compact and springs are too hard to dirve comfortably. It’s setup is perfect for going racing straight off the lot.

The Sube Ke-1 is a standard Kei car design, but has nice styling to come along with it. It’s compact front end looks aggressive and flows well with the body. It’s average in performance compared to the rest, and drives a bit diffcult compared to the rest. It’s design fits well with other Kei cars of the time, however, more design on the back would be nice as the wing dominates mos of the rear end.

The Sube Groove Hardtop design is one of the cutest designs of the competition. The round lights and grille gives it a nice smile, but the rear lights may be a bit extreme. However, the cornering G’s are impressive for a FWD, front engine kei car, and it’s comforts are nice. It does struggle a bit in acceleration compared to some kei cars, but the comfort and design make up for it.

The Pleiades R3 Variation S has one of the nicest rear ends of the kei cars, and the convertible roof makes it fun on sunny days. The interior is well designed for a midship car. However, the front end could have more unique design, as come flat compared to the cheerful rear end. The small rear break light is a nice touch. However, it’s performance make it a bit sluggish in acceleration, but the top speed is neat.

The Sube Relax GTT is the certainly the most comfortable of the kei cars. With it’s 2 rows of seats, it has the most space and seating of the competition, and the ride is smooth and nice. The design is nice and sporty for the hatchback, but the performance can’t compare to the rest. It’s top speed falls behind, but the torque makes up for the acceleration. This will be loved by the regular consumer, but may not meet the sport of the challenge.

The Hachidori GT-K is one of the fastest of the bunch, and the design matches with it’s performance. The sleek smooth design flows, and reminisces of hyper cars, with quad exhausts, and extreme RPM heights. The spoiler and vents curve around the body, quite exotic. However, the design may struggle to sell to regular consumers, but will be enjoyed by enthusiasts.

Yippieeee, congrats yall, the designs are nice and keep it up!!! UwU


i submitted my .car to you

Turns out the “tomorrow” is more than a week :rofl:


My patience for reviews my car is crazy.

I want to see you review my car :frowning:

14 days since last phase, did this get abandoned?

any time today now

Heck i was waiting for the post and i thought that notification was the reviews turns out it was just yall :joy:


Wow. Another great morning! The sun is shining. It’s really the perfect day. Chew. Arata is eating a sandwich. A turkey sandwich with extra lettuce, and a lot of mayonnaise. Arata really loves mayonnaise. Chew

Mayonnaise was dripping down his chin in a cascade of gooey goodness. “Man this sub is bomb!”
Arata had been eating mayonnaise like this for years, ever since he was a kid. It all started during a visit to his gran gran Naomi’s country-side bungalow. She was a baker by trade, and her barley bread was the rage all over Okayama. One day the family took a trip over to visit gran-gran, little Arata in tow. It was a great trip, he got to play with all the hens, and of course enjoyed her gran-gran’s home baked cookies. Snickerdoodle was his favourite. They paired nicely with her sandwiches. Now what topping? A fan of ketchup she is. She made all sorts of ketchup. You got your classic tomato, tomato with a hint of spice, paprika and nutmeg to be exact, cherry ketchup, and even your classic mushroom ketchup. Arata had tried some of her spiced ketchup. “Blegh!” he had said. So she tried mustard. “Ew!” Relish? Nope. Nothing worked. It was actually Arata’s father that had suggested mayonnaise, after a particularly memorable sandwich he had tried back in Hiroshima. “Mayonnaise! I’ve never made mayonnaise before!” but alas, little Arata would not try any other sandwich topper. So she got to work. Sunflower oil? Why sunflowers are plentiful around here! Eggs? She had a whole hen house! And she has her own home made vinegar as well. Mix a little, match a little, and voila! A great new mayonnaise recipe. Little did she know how this was to impact her life. When little Arata tried it… “Yum!” He couldn’t get enough of it. He demanded 106 buckets of mayonnaise, but was only supplied with one and half. “Thanks gran-gran. You make the best sandwiches! Everyone should try your mayonnaise!”
Arata and his family left gran-gran’s a week later, but the more Naomi thought of her mayonnaise… she decided to add it to her sandwich shop. “Naomi’s Bread and Rice” her shop was called. Bacause her name is Naomi and she serves bread and rice. The mayonnaise was an instant hit. Let’s read some of the reviews. “What a unique mayo!”
“The best mayonnaise I’ve ever had.”
“I can’t get enough of this mayonnaise!”
That was how Arata fell in love with mayonnaise. Now where were? Right. Arata licked the mayonnaise off his chin. “Well, let’s review some cars!”

Sube Millenium


“Wow! This is definitely the best looking car here! There's plenty of styling in the front. It doesn't clash. The lines are perfect! And fog lights too is a big plus."
"The side is tasteful. I couldn't choose a better spot for the indicators! And they match wonderfully front and rear! The vent adds just enough detail, but not enough too make it too crowded.
“And this rear too! The little spike things are super cool! And it was a great choice to add a different colour here too. I can't think of a single thing to improve when it comes to design!"
"Yes.. but when it comes to everything else... well"
“It's average everywhere. Except when it comes to reliability, where it beats only 2 other cars."

Calabrone GT-K Spider

"Wow, a convertible! People love those. And it's super cheap too!"
“And it's pretty reliable! The front is good enough, and I love the seats!"
"Except... Well... It's just not sporty. In fact its stats actually suck. It's not particularly drivable, it's really uncomfortable, and it's the least prestigious car in the competition."
“Yikes. Let's move on."

Sube S6K KeiSport

“This next one has a sporty shape with ok styling.
"Its acceleration is a bit slower but still acceptable. But it has a cool rear wheel drive. Where it really shines is comfort.
“It's a wonder how it's so comfortable too, it has only standard features, plus it's a manual."
"And it's among the most reliable. It has above average stats elsewhere. Definitely a good try."


"Definitely a looker! The front is a little slanted but still looks aggressive."
“I like the grill design, it's unique. The whole design fits together nicely."
"One of the best rears too! And it's mid engined. This one is going to be a beast!
"About that... Its sportiness level is near the median. A more expensive suspension and interior would have really helped."
"Yes, you really have to question the use of hydraulic steering in a tiny car like this."
"But its MPG is top notch, a whopping 60."

Sube Groove Hardtop

"Now we're talking! A convertible! Things are already looking up. The front stlying isn't particularly sporty, but it's passable."
"Now this is well engineered. The interior has plush seats and partial aluminium."
"Dear god! It's front wheel drive!" Arata begings weeping before using his lighter to set the stat sheet aflame. "No more!" Ari sighed.
"Relax, just because it's FWD doesn't mean it can't be sporty. It's definitely up there when it comes to a fun drive! Its tires are pretty wide and it's super reliable. I'd say it would be a good track toy if you want a more relaxed ride."

Ume Rythm

"Well this one looks interesting! There are tons of sporty options here, that I'm surprised it managed to be within budget. The suspension is multi-link, while expensive, definitely helps with comfort. Its chassis and panels are aluminium too. RWD, manual, it's got everything to be a perfect sporty car!"
"But to get within budget, there had to be cuts, and the interior is a big disappointment. It's about on par with the average Mara. But despite the interior, the suspension makes it top 10 in comfort.
"It would be a top contender if not for too issues. Its cornering G's isn't as good as the others, and the basic interior really hurts prestige."

Sube/Dome Kopen Sport

"Wow, how is this near the top? Its ease of driving and fun of driving are both pretty low."
"Well its fuel economy is pretty good, and it's reliable. Not much else to say."
"Well, I'm pooped. I loved that mayo sandwich. Let's convene again tomorrow!" Arata sure does have a strange sense of time, Ari thought.

Just as I expected of my miniature NB MX-5 - not too fancy, but just comfortable enough for daily use, and with enough performance to be fun to drive, albeit in a smaller package.

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You gotta be joking am i blind? Where’s my car :rofl: another month it is…

I think this challenge had an unexpectedly decent amount of entries. Thats the nature of the beast sometimes with these challenges, im waiting on mine as well. Sometimes theres a quick turnaround, and other times life takes over. Just gotta be patient.

YIPPEEE I am happy with this result! Thank you for hosting Vento!!!

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too me :frowning:

It’s show time. After analyzing over a dozen cars, we reached the best of the best. Our friends Arata and Ari are sitting at a morning izakaya.

Sube Regatta

"Wow, this one is a speedster! The Regatta has the highest sportiness rating of all the entries!"
"Nothing wrong here when it comes to power. Good acceleration, and great turning performance."
"The RWD definitely adds to the fun factor. It's even using the most advanced direction injection, one for each cylinder! That's how it manages to get both super sporty and super economical."
"I would love to prototype this. It's actually almost everything we're looking for. But what really drove down the rating was the comfort."
"Its comfort is very much on the low end. It comes with having a high sportiness, because loosening the springs at all really impacts performance."
"As for design, its passable. I don't like the shape of the front. It looks like it got hit in the face with a frying pan, but the fixtures are all placed well and contribute to a good overall design."

AB-Monozukuri Tempo RS

"Aw, I like this one. It gives off a cute, old fashioned vibe."
"Those gold rims are definitely chic."
"I think the designer forgot a couple important things, namely the rear side indicator and a fuel cap..."
"Other than that, no complaints!"
"It has very good mpg and its comfort is very high, as well as its prestige factor."
"Convertibles are pretty cool after all."
"Its great in some areas, but especially falters in sportiness."
"Unfortunately so. I'd love to give all these cars a go, but only one can survive."

Sube Alba 65T


"Wow, just looking at its numbers make me feel like winning the Indy 500!"
"It can turn like nothing else! A true 'track toy' as they say.
"And this will definitely get attention. People from all over would stare!"
"But what's stopping it from first place? Well, it's lacking in drivability and its springs are pretty stiff. I think going with tighter springs paid off with the cornering."
"When it comes down to it, there's always one on the top, and others fall before it, groveling."


"That's going to be a yikes from me."
"Yea, it looks way too basic. Any amount of styling would be better than this. Just add something to the front."
"From the stats, this has the highest prestige value of them all, but with the looks it has, no way people would be envious of anyone driving one. They'd feel pity instead."
"But it does have pretty high sportiness and comfort, and it's pretty cheap too."

Sube Keek 57S

"Here we have in third place, the Keek! It looks cute!"
"This one features strong drivability, comfort, cornering ability and reliability!"
"All for a pretty cheap price. Why it's not number two is it's a little low on sportiness."

Uanoi Kyo S

"The Kyo! It's a cute little one, perfect for driving along the coast. It features the highest ease of driving, among the top in comfort, and in reliability and fuel economy, all at a cheap price!"
"A very strong contender."

Sube Destiny SS


"If looks could kill!"
"This is exactly what we wanted in terms of looks. It's super aggressive and a little scary looking! Minus the lackluster rear."
"It has super quick acceleration, it's got stiff springs but still has plenty of comfort.
"And a super high top speed! You could enter this on track day and have a good shot at winning."
"It's top three in sportiness, prestige, cornering ability, and prestige."
"It tops off the budget, but it's definitely worth it!"

Congrats to @Elouda for first place!


Where’s my pos?

You got 20th!

Full ranking of everyone will be out when? Would be nice to know the full rankings.


Nice! I actually found out I can save 50 kg for edit safety stiff without lost safety point.

20th means no review?

No worries, thanks anyway.

Here’s the full ranking!