The Car Shopping Round (Round 64): Tears in Heaven

I feared that my engine will not be enough. The reason it’s “only” 5.0 is (as stated) this cars is refresh of BFMCC and in Frunia cars with 5.0+ engines pay higher tax. So I guess if I would put a new engine in I would be more competitive…but than again, V-Block is more of a gt and it was not intended to have 600hp.

Good point, haven’t thought of that.

Why two seats? I wanted to stay under 1.7 ton, not a fan of muscle cars being land yachts :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ve learnt a lot in past year.

Great round, looking forward to top 3!

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i took a nap. a long one. came back and saw this thread explode.
it’s getting more and more hyped every round.

so much ragrets for missing that one freakin rule…

Interesting fact about I-76. Malochio was voiced by John De Lancie, the actor who played Q. (Star Trek, not James Bond)

:sweat_smile: I know I was going to lose for that, hahaha! but I just had the idea for a nice big sedan with a lazy big engine, kind of like a metaphor for big powerful things (giants, tanks, big robots) that are imposing and nice to look at, but slow, the slower the more omnious and majestic. :slight_smile: and I just HAD to do it.



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So we must not underestimate the amount of power and practicality required to win this challenge, or we would end up being cut earlier than we’d like.

@Sillyworld should have increased his engine output by at least 100 to 200 bhp - it’s not that hard, and you won’t have to sacrifice too much economy in the process.

Just to touch base: work kicked my ass today. I’ll be getting back on the review expedition hopefully by tomorrow evening. I spend my whole day reading, writing, and editing legal work product, so I apologize if I don’t have the energy to write at the end of a difficult day. I don’t intend to drag this out, I just need at least one more day. Let’s just say that the dealers are being difficult about scheduling each other. :wink:


Nice to know that you have not forgotten about this contest. You just have your hands full with other stuff.

Rest assured, when you declare a winner, you will have definitely made the right decision, and one which every participant will agree with, myself included.

Not a problem. I’m sure all of us can wait one more day (or more if needed) to get the results. Plus, this builds up the anticipation.

Not about economy, not about power. As I stated earlier, it was the whole idea, the whole concept I had for the car. Like building a big and beauty statue-symbol. Here’s a screenshot of the engine:

Reliable, and very very light (for its size) with a nice smooth and usable powerband.

In what world we live in in which 400hp is not enough? A regular corvette coupe made 430-440hp in 2013, and as today, If I’d buy a m235i I’d be more than happy with its 320hp :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Remove the excess of jilly jabber

Yeah in real world terms this would have, had engineering allowed, been tempting, except for those like me who express confusion over its specific output.

However the world of Automation is a somewhat different landscape. Mostly more powerful, less regulated by traditional practices, and most of the contests attract tailor made entries. Thus, the market is often more competitive.


Alright, alright, I screwed up xD But I’ll return with a higher specific output next round [spoiler]and will win[/spoiler] mark my words :muscle:

POOF! Next round is another econoshitbox competition. Hahahahah.
That specific output will need to be held back

If I do win (but of an outside chance, tbh, I’d put Madrias and thecarlover ahead of me unless my car is just that much better a driver’s delight), I can assure you it won’t be another economy shitbox challenge.

It’ll be a completely different exercise altogether.

If I win, what I have in mind hasn’t been done before. Other than that it’ll be tougher than expected despite the planned budget, because I’m evil like that.

why did i leave the forums for so bloody long? this is a fantasmagorical thread and i will enter round 16. yes, yes i will

Above all, whoever wins should make the next round as enjoyable and rewarding as possible with the requirements that they will stipulate.

Lol, I really thought my car would do rather well this round, but deciding what is good looking is so individual it will always be a bit of a gamble (and also one of the reasons why I love cars and car enthusiasts). Best of luck to Madrias, thecarlover and strop, may the best car win and look forward to the next round :slight_smile:

Good luck to the 3 finalist… would you care to bet? I’m putting my money on thecarlover’s jetstream :moneybag:

Hmm, hard case, three great choices, but I’ll bet you, my money is on Madrias :wink: