The G-force challenge

The basic Idea is to make the most G-forces for any leaderboard that you choose, there is one leaderboard for Maximium Lateral G’s, One for Longitudinal G’s and ten more for 5 tracks (2 for each track).

Rules For Overall best Lateral and Longitudinal G Forces:
Must post a pic of aleast the G-force chart.
Must state which leaderboard it is for.

Rules for Track G-forces:
Must post a pic of the whole test track testing page with the G-force chart visible.
Must state which leaderboard it is for.

Be aware I will be adding the already submitted G-forces to the leaderboards tomorrow.

sooo… is this a challenge or a competition?

Because at some point you have to slow down from a 300 MPH straight.

challenge to make the most g force, I thought I’d put it here because this is the Community Challenges & Competitions forum

I suspect this doesn’t count, because I may have broken BROBOT…

Note: this is done on a super banked ‘velodrome’ track (which I haven’t drawn yet), with 2km straights punctuated by 70 degree banked, uh, amphitheaters. I think the 9.3g is a bogus reading, but even my not-500km/h cars pull F1 level Gs on it…

EDIT: much better, adding a straight so the simulation doesn’t end on the corner fixes the aberrant cornering. Now I’m getting a reading of 6.1g, which is much more, uh… realistic?


Honestly I was quite excited to see what my company cars would pull on BROBOT… seeing the dot waving around so wildly outside of the circle only reinforces the notion that driving them at full tilt will actually turn you into mush… Now all I need to wait for is derestricted aero and revamped turbos and multi turbos + superchargers, and all my dreams will come true.

Strop is either Powercrazy, Insane, or both. I cannot tell… I’m going with Both.

[quote=“strop”]I suspect this doesn’t count, because I may have broken BROBOT…

Note: this is done on a super banked ‘velodrome’ track (which I haven’t drawn yet), with 2km straights punctuated by 70 degree banked, uh, amphitheaters. I think the 9.3g is a bogus reading, but even my not-500km/h cars pull F1 level Gs on it…

EDIT: much better, adding a straight so the simulation doesn’t end on the corner fixes the aberrant cornering. Now I’m getting a reading of 6.1g, which is much more, uh… realistic?[/quote]

It counts as long as thats what it reads in game

i dont understand… what is wrong with the turbos right now??

They lack a lot of tech, meaning the car’s drivability suffers the full brunt of its spooling and lag. I’m hoping (and it has been suggested that these will happen) for things like more ECU control, different sized turbos, variable geometry etc. And superchargers were always planned for later.

I wonder if we’ll get twincharger setups at some point…

I think I broke the game…

But then I noticed the banking was inverted.

Wait, what kind of corner is that supposed to be? :stuck_out_tongue:

Somebody edit nardo to have ridiculous banking and see what we can get :smiley:

[quote=“strop”]Wait, what kind of corner is that supposed to be? :stuck_out_tongue:

It is a track I’m fiddling on, the background is a place holder
The corner in question is a 100m radius 360 loop with 90 degree banking. :smiley:

Soon I will be updating the op with 2 leaderboards (1 for Lateral Gs and the other for Longitudinal Gs)
These leaderboads will include the G forces (Duh) and the the player name and they will be order from most g’s to least G’s

Would you like to create a separate one for a set track? After all, it’s easy enough to pretty much make a super tight 90 degree hairpin and as long as it doesn’t break the game you can get max gs (salen00b, see how far you can push it?). Or, as KLinardo said, just get a super fast car with a lot of aero up to max speed and then make it brake really hard.

But to make a car with lots of G forces around any particular track, well, that’s got a bit more in it!

[quote=“strop”]Would you like to create a separate one for a set track? After all, it’s easy enough to pretty much make a super tight 90 degree hairpin and as long as it doesn’t break the game you can get max gs (salen00b, see how far you can push it?). Or, as KLinardo said, just get a super fast car with a lot of aero up to max speed and then make it brake really hard.

But to make a car with lots of G forces around any particular track, well, that’s got a bit more in it![/quote]

I like that Idea, I will have 5 track G-force leaderboards and the 2 max G-force leaderboards.

Any track suggestions?

Automation track clearly, watch out for the high speed section. Probably Airfield too, because it’s flat and technical.
I’d suggest Green Hell but it would up to 7 minutes to even see the hardest braking at the end of Dottinger Hohe, so that might be a bit of a pain.

Op updated with leaderboards and a few rule changes.
Be aware I will be adding the already submitted G-forces to the leaderboards tomorrow.