The HD Remaster Challenge [finished]

mine was also meant to be a full entry lol, i dunno if i shouldve posted more pics, at that day my pc was kinda dying

Does a remaster challenge count as a new challenge? Or are we getting into ONE GAME territory here?

The HD Remaster Challenge

Voting time!
Okay, it took me an age and a half because Excel is a hateful program, but it's time for democracy!


It says this in the form too, but Iā€™ll drive it home here too: YOU ARE NOT VOTING FOR THE BEST LOOKING CAR. Youā€™re here to judge people on how much theyā€™ve improved, not how cool someoneā€™s car/cars look. Simply pick the three cars you think display the best improvement in skills, whether itā€™s overall or in terms of the details, and thatā€™s it.

Oh and donā€™t vote for yourself, Iā€™ll know. Same with double votes.

So with that out of the way, go vote!

You have a week from now (plus a bit extra, I go by GMT for deadlines), so make sure you vote before 2024-08-12T23:59:00Z!


Umm, I think I should let you knowā€¦ The pics are really poorly formatted in there, making it somewhat hard to judge:

IDK if something can be feasibly done about it, but I guess the info wonā€™t hurt :person_shrugging:


Thatā€™s the most I can do, thereā€™s a reason it says to go read through the thread again lmao, the main reason theyā€™re there is to provide context for each answer, anyway (because links donā€™t work in MS Forms because apparently making a good form platform is impossible!!)



Make sure to get your votes in, I've got enough votes to get a good result but it's still less than the entries I got so c'mon!!!

Yeah, I mean, to use two minutes for voting is something everyone on this board could take their time to do, not much of a struggle.

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Does a remaster challenge count as a new challenge? Or are we getting into ONE GAME territory here?

The HD Remaster Challenge



Iā€™ve tallied up everything (or, well, pressed a button in Excel and it did it for me), and Iā€™m happy to announce that the winner, with 14 votes, is


Hereā€™s your random congratulatory image reward!


And thanks to everyone else who made cars, it was fun seeing people going back and trying to work out wtf they were thinking back in the day lmao. Hereā€™s the full results too:

(it was sorted by number, so donā€™t pay much mind to how ties are sorted because idk how Excelā€™s done it lmao)

All in all it went really well, 22 votes which is one more than the entries I got so thereā€™s that mission accomplished! Although I do just want to let the person who voted for themselves know that I saw that and helpfully removed your vote for you :^)

(AKA: not going to name names but cā€™mon, donā€™t self vote in forum challenges like this, thatā€™s rude.)

Thanks for playing!


Well in my many years on these forums, Iā€™m pretty sure this is the first challenge Iā€™ve won. Thanks for hosting, sometimes the simplest challenges can prove to be one of the most interesting!