The HD Remaster Challenge [finished]

Does a remaster challenge count as a new challenge? Or are we getting into ONE GAME territory here?

The HD Remaster Challenge

An exercise in reheating

Everyone loves remasters! Look at how many of them modern consoles have!!!

To that end, I got thinking, why don’t we do a challenge where we remake our old cars then grade ourselves on it? Sounds like a bit of low-stress fun so why not!

The Rules

It’s all pretty simple really, take a car that’s a first for you (see some personal examples below), make it with your current skillset, and post an ad for it that.

From there, I’ll bundle everything into a google form, and everyone then votes on what their favourite is. Like I said, simple.

The Car

Completely unrestricted outside of the first for you thing, for instance I could remake:

My first challenge entry (From CSR 141)

My first lore car (Good god that’s rough)

Or my first car I have any evidence of


  • First challenge entries are preferred, but I realise not everyone’s been around for long enough to look back at your old challenge cars and go ew, hence the other options.
  • How much you “remaster” it is up to you, but it should still identifiably be a newer, better version of the car.
  • THERE HAS TO BE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE OF THE OLD CAR. If that means you have to build something newer than your first car you remember, so be it. We can’t judge how well remastered something is without a reference point.

  • You don’t need to DM me anything, cars will just be posted by you in the thread.
  • Posts have to be up by 2024-07-31T23:59:00Z.
  • Ads aren’t something you’ll be judged on, but they should all include an image or two of the old car to compare to.
  • Once the deadline’s over, I’ll chuck everything into a poll and give you all a week or two to vote on who should win.
  • The winner will get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some random congratulatory image I’ll find in my photo folders.

Interesting challenge, I will definitively be in.


Oh yeah this sounds cool. Kinda like what I did for your mlc


That’s part of what inspired it LMAO


A challenge about reimagining something we made back in the Kee/early UE4 days? I’ve never seen that before…

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oh man… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

It’s not my first, but its the earliest that I can find that still has a working link / picture


My problem is that I don’t think my design skills have improved at all during the course of playing this game…

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The earliest one i got pictures of is this thing i made in 2021 but then remade it iirc

but the earliest car i made in automation is this thing?

both look not good.


So it’s just design and not engineering right?

Also, might want to look into how ecactly you’re making the google form, I feel like it’s easy to make a form that’s awkward to fill out… (Maybe more than one category pleople rate (authenticity/5 & HDness/5 ?))

tiny nitpick of the post

the deadline date is really hard to read, idk if its me being on mobile or something so the gradient lines up weirdly but it’s a light beige on a light baby blue so it just blends in

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aha well, the first lore car I made also happens to be the earliest car I can find images of (February 2019), I did make a few things during kee but those are long gone now. My first challenge car however was for CSC 2. Now, it wouldn’t exactly be fair to use the first car, the Z - S as my entry because well, I’ve remastered it about 6 times already, one recently. So, I believe I will be choosing the CSC 2 car. What a nostalgic challenge :stuck_out_tongue:

First car
[Zephorus Autos Photo Dump - #2 by Riley]

First challenge car | CSC 2
[The Crowd Sourcing Competition [Round 49] - #61 by Riley]


Yours looks way better than mine lol


Everyone starts somewhere, so I think it’s nice to have a challenge to show how much your ability has improved. I had probably 50 hours by that point, and I have 100x that now so I wonder what’s changed lol.


Well well, I could go very lazy here - the first car that I can confirm I’ve entered into a challenge was a modern flagship GT from Zavir, from late 2016 (yes, that’s back in Kee!) CSR26. It just so happens that I’ve entered its equivalent from the newer form of the brand years later into CSR139 in 2021 :smiley: I still have some screenshots of the latter, even though for some annoying and not quite clear to me reason they disappeared from the CSR thread. But even better, I still have the car (which is in fact much older than 2021, but refined numerous times since its creation), so I could update it yet again, being a bit less lazy. TBH I thought it would be harder to find my early cars (the very first ones are long lost unfortunately).

From left (and yes, that’s how cars used to be shown back then, in ye olde times) to right, so far (currently the car I have is missing some details)

But I think I’ll do sth more interesting, and instead I’ll remake an even earlier, mid 2016 Zavir, the earliest one that still can be found on the forum - the Squalo IV. TBH that will mean that I’ll have, in some form, five consecutive generations of the Squalo in my current sandbox, and this sounds fun :smiley:

So, I’ll be remaking this:


Unless you somehow want everyone to become clairvoyant and find out the specs from the post, yeah design only lmao (although making the engineering better too should be half the fun lmao). As for the form it’s literally just going to be “What’s your favourite”.

Nothing I can do about the deadline because it’s the forum’s inbuilt date tool, but that also means you can cluck it and it opens a little popup with various timezones including yours.

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That actually looks impressive for a Kee car.

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i only just started playing the game when i made those cars now i have over 200h lol

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edit: nvm who cares

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Danke :smiley:

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These are 3 of the first designs that I was actually proud of. I came to the realization looong ago (with everyone else) that these are complete ass.

I honestly dont know if I could even find the inspiration to re-create any of these.

Alright, MAYBE the white one, I remember calling it the Kitama.

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I found this one from 2019. The Phoenix Montana.

It was the first car I was proud of, but it hasn’t aged well. I’ve been wanting to remake it for a while, so count me in.

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