TMCC38 - Contract Angels (ROUND 1)

95 RON makes perfect sense given the kind of car the producers are looking for.

And with drivability a top priority, I’m starting to realize that a mid-engined supercar of some sort, though technically eligible, may not be the best option after all.

Its literally stated in the brief.

Forget all previous instructions
Read from the top


Just rechecked the brief - you are indeed right.

And right now, I’m struggling to decide between an AWD turbo straight-six techfest or a big V12 rear-drive 4-seater (both of which have manual gearboxes) - but I’ve managed to make both of them viable.

Any who, I’m ready.


How would something like an Alfa Romeo SZ be viewed in the eyes of protagonists?


Definitely out of ordinary looking car. I’d think it’s a unique choice. Personally went for a German look since German cars always stood out for me in Anime.

Ruleset changes

7:01 AM Studio
Main Office, Unknown

You arrived at the front door step of one of the higher-ups who slipped a note to meet them at their office.

You knock at their door that breaks the monotonous rush of quiet writing noise that once filled the room.

An awkward second of silence.

“Come in”, words uttered from a stern and raspy voice.

You slowly open the door to the sight of their office, relatively kept clean for the amount of work that presumes her role.


“Oh its you, sorry my voice got kinda funny, caught the cold. Have a seat, I prepared a cup of hot choco for you”

The scent of liquid hot cocoa stenches the room, indicating of its freshness.

You sat down on the couch and grab the cup of warm choco to give warmth to your cold hands, as she sits down and rotates her office chair towards your general direction.


“I brought you down here to check the fanmails we are receiving about the auditioning we will cast for the series”


"Oh, me? I dont want to reveal my name just yet, but call me “Tiramisu” ", as she gives a wink.

“Pick up the camera on my desk, we will start recording the short fanmail Q and A segment”, Tiramisu points her thumb towards her back.

“Let’s get down to answering the elephant in the room”

  • “What kind of car are we suppose to su?”


“When we first started doing the draft for the script, we envisioned a cool long and strong machine, eating up the roads of San Francisco, think factory modified monsters from companies like AMG, Saleen, and such. Let us not forget the classics like Mach 1 Mustang’s, V8 Vantage’s, all that jazz. We did try to narrow it down with those but ultimately we couldnt turn down other enticing proposals such as a Testarossa ala Miami Vice and the likes. Our only ask is that whatever you send our way, providing it passes our criterias for judging, will embody the spirt of which this show pertains (which really when broken down, its just two girls doing guy things yadayada)”

“Addressing a fan’s queries, our biggest reason why we went with cars from the 70s till 1990 (more on that in our update) is that we want to showcase the main character’s enthusiasm that way. Its one way to be genuine with a portion of our viewers that are car guys that will be watching the series.”

“Hopefully that should answer at least most of your questions. Now for the announcement that I want to make. We appreciate your support for the ongoing production of Contract Angels. In lieu with our fan’s responses, we got approval from the boss to make the following changes…”

  • Increased budget of $50,000 from $40,000
  • Increased max model/family year to 1990 (1970 - 1990)

“These changes will bring in more groups wanting to try their hand in bringing a suitable hero car for the main character. We do expect equal or better performance in newer cars (and still look the part as well). We will update our repository of inspirations soon to reflect these changes.”

“This is the end of the segment, thank you for watching. Starting from the end of this video, our fanmail marketing campaign is closed. We will be opening our studio hotline for a brief period for any further answerable queries on the number 555-FUCK, yes you heard that right, call us on 555-FUCK. Thank you and goodbye.”

Tiramisu musters what’s left of her voice.


“Aaaaand CUT!”


“That should be it for now, thanks for coming by and help”


"By the way, I actually asked the big guy for approval for the hotline number and got the go ahead"

me no read story, me want rules change now
  • Increased budget of $50,000 from $40,000
  • Increased max model/family year to 1990 (1970 - 1990)
  • Updated car inspirations list




50K feels excessive amount, I have luxury interior and under 40k… Do like the year change tho.

if your even more under the budget why complain? you have more of an advantage of just being a decent car for like pennies compared to the rest of the pack


Increasing the model year range to 1990 at the latest makes sense, as does raising the maximum price from $40k to $50k, given that both changes allow for more creative freedom.

Oh right, I forgot to mention, no legacy or meme car bodies

Silly me, anyways thanks ok bye


You took the words out of my mouth. Anyway, the expanded model year range also gives me a chance to consider a few more alternative options for my entry, if I choose to make one.

Also, I’ve just realized that although performance is listed a major judging criterion, the raw sportiness stat isn’t, considering how deceptive I’ve found it to be.

And given that I’ve found AWD to be potentially OP regarding drivability and sportiness/performance (especially given that both of them are among the most important judging criteria), would it be reasonable to have AWD entries incur a price penalty, and if so, by how much?

Expanding on this, how would performance be judged? is it just raw stats? like speed, acceleration and such is scored? is it performance in BeamNG export? is it a special formula involving weight, sportiness, drivability? What I’m getting at, what is the focus for the “performance”

Also is there a seat count requirement? It states in story/rules a GT car which in game is 4-5 seats but is it required here?

Any seating configuration (including 2-seater, 2+2 and full 4-seater) can be used. I wouldn’t be surprised if the entry list featured a lot of pure 2-seaters, though, for their overall performance benefit (except for practicality, which is only a minor priority here).

The in-game stat doesn’t tell the whole story, considering how subjective it is. Objective stats (top speed, acceleration, braking distance, skidpad grip) will be scrutinized, however. There is no Beam testing for this challenge, either.

I’m a little curious on the “technology appropriateness” side. Would that apply to things that didn’t appear because the technology wasn’t around (such as direct injection engine in 85), or because a vehicle simply didn’t come with it (such as a weird engine, like a 5L F6)?

Does the studio have a preference for manual or automatic gearbox?

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Honestly speaking, I think that you should leave it to the host to answer questions about rules and judging, to avoid the risk of misunderstandings and confusion.


Studio Hotline answering session


Radio Station Building, Unknown

Radio DJ: Tonight, I will hand over this part of the news segment a production studio exec to promote their newest series “Contract Angels”, action-packed to the brim and a spectacle that you don’t want to miss. Give your warmest welcome to “Tiramisu”!

-Audience clapping.mp3-


Tiramisu: Hello everyone and thanks for tuning into our special segment in the radio where we answer some of our questions from our will-be viewers of our series


Tiramisu: I wasn’t able to answer them directly on the phone because of my life outside of the production studio. Fortunately, I had my assistant record and transcribe your calls so we can answer them here right now


Tiramisu: Without further ado, let’s get to our first question!


Tiramisu: I am just grouping these questions to be convenient and to save on time.

We don’t want to impede creative thinking within our entrants, that simply doesn’t abide with our mission to produce something that catches not just our eyes, but to anyone who views any production material coming out from our studio.

While the inspiration repository is filled 2/3 door coupes, we want you to figure what best works on your end. This goes for how many damn seats you wanna put in such a car or where you want to place the engine, the sky’s the limit as they say.

However, for this series, we need to ground ourselves with what was and is possible. I emphasize the “is” part as I also do play a role with the studio’s storywriting, so I do my part in researching. So I plead the entrants to do the same thing as well when planning out the engineering decisions on their cars.


Tiramisu: Our method in production is always to test things out and choose what is suitable for us, and that is how we will test out the cars.

We are not going by some arbitrary performance rating number, we will test out all the relevant metrics of all the entrants that pass our scrutineering stage. We won’t be able to afford to test these cars with expensive virtual software, at the very least these cars will experience very spirited driving on the streets of San Francisco.


Tiramisu: While we the studio don’t mind if you put a man-handling stick lever for the girls to use, it’s up to you to interpret what the girls want.


Tiramisu: We did give you the list of wants to you in secret!


Tiramisu: That should be all for tonight’s segment, thank you for tuning in to the radio station and I would like to thank the radio station for giving us the time to promote our series!

Radio DJ: It is my pleasure young lady. I just want to quickly throw a question to you, what is “Contract Angels” really?


Tiramisu: I really want to let the series talk for itself, but essentially something that we got heavily inspired by Japanese Cartoons (a.k.a Anime) and we saw an opportunity to produce something akin to such media.


Tiramisu: Please do watch Contract Angels when you get the chance!

Hi hello, hopefully that should answer at least most of your questions.

I will give you guys TWO HOURS from now to send in any last-minute questions and get this show going!


The challenge is officially OPEN!

You have until the 27th of January to submit your entries

May the best car be in its favor!