True or False: Forum Game 2.0

I think I can. I hope I can.

TNP can into space.

False, I’m from Polandball :stuck_out_tongue:

TNP has lived in more than one country.

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TNP caught a cold recently

Yes, 39 c fever, I’m fine now though.

TNP hardly gets caught by a cold.

True. I’m rather healthy.

TNP is romantic.

false, Forever alone

TNP is in the same boat

False, I was for a long time

TNP is no stranger to love, they know rules, and so do I (do i do i)

Completely false

TNP wonders how great it would be if natural selection kept on going

False, I don’t wonder, I know. Too bad lawyers screwed all that up. They’re the ones screwing with nature!

TNP recently saw a deer.


TNP Mazda


TNP honda


TNP Toyota


TNP suzuki


TNP Subaru


TNP feord

u w o t

TNP foond

yes master!

TNP is a thirsty hoe

Of course

TNP is salty

Saltier than a pirate.

The next person has drank sea water.

True, I was salty

TNP is sweaty