Possibly true, going through evaluation atm which is nice cause at least autism would explain why depression meds don’t work
TNP is going through some shit
Possibly true, going through evaluation atm which is nice cause at least autism would explain why depression meds don’t work
TNP is going through some shit
They call it life
TNP is happy
I wish I knew what that was.
TNP can touch their tongue to their nose.
Not the tip of my nose, but yes
TNP can’t
How do you do that? It’s hard
TNP can succ good
͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧
TNP can make a sicc burger
quicc n slicc
TNP knows that man’s not hot
Which man? Where are the hot men? CLICK HERE TO SEE HOT MEN IN YOUR AREA??
That meme broke me, I will use that one day
TNP has made some fine memes
Tralse? Just one, and it’s understandable for me and my friends only, because it’s about one of them.
TNP doesn’t understand the point of many modern-internet-social-networky things (I don’t…).
True, I would’ve been more at home running liquor to speakeasies.
TNP also feels they were born in the wrong time.
True but mostly false, some things I wish I was around for but for the most part the 21st century is ok
TNP wants to be from the future
i’m not sure tbh
TNP just feels ,ijkudsrghbiluyzrdshfsgbvyujohlbRWESv
Nah, I’m more of a fguefguiiefufhhfhffggfgfhffhfhfhfhjgmngmmmmmmmmmm
TNP is on their way to San José
False, I am not travelling
TNP has an actual toolbox I can borrow buz mine are shit
Nah I just have some small bits for a screwdriver type, not anything for cars or bikes or the like
TNP has a sticc
TNP watches anime in school
False, I don’t watch anime at all
TNP has just eaten lunch
Just ate breakfast
TNP is in a different time one from most of us
True, the same as Deus
TNP likes RPG’S