True or False: Forum Game 2.0

MK5 Golf GTis and Mazda 3s are readily available in my country.

TNP actually dislikes the Automation Discord due to it being too restrictive. (literally the major reason why I left, the other one is because I got burned out from this game)

Donā€™t really get what you mean by ā€œrestrictiveā€ eitherā€¦

TNP has Googleā€™d himself at least once.

I did the same shit for like, 5 times.

TNP has been hospitalised for at least once.

true, when I was a little boy

TNP will check out my stream on twitch
over here

bruh why you self-promote yourself

TNP will post a download link to a random software.

TNP has a great understanding of squirrels.

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Itā€™s either I know nothing or not even try to give a damn. (So obviously a no for me)

TNP is binge watching a series at the moment.

I neither have Netflix nor a useable TVā€¦

TNP has subbed to BaE on YouTube.

TIL BaE has a YT channel.

TNP had a crush with some girl/guy online. Maybe the person is on this forums. Or not.

I actually have one, but I wonā€™t tell you.

Of course, I love you all :wink:

Wholesome moment.

Ok wholesome moment over TNP has tried to wheelie a cruise ship

No but its on the bucket list.

TNP is having an existential crisis

Nah, I know my purpose in life already.

TNP agrees that gamers are oppressed

Iā€™d say no, but Iā€™d be interested in how we are.

TNP needs to stop saying thinks ironically that leads to you saying it seriously.

Never say ā€˜thinksā€™ ironically.

TNP has tried to drift a plane

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In Microsoft flight sim of course lol. Only time i managed something close was in a small stunt plane with cheaty amounts of thrust so i could hang it below stall speed and blast on out nearly at will.

TNP has fallen or jumped down more than 3m.

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This is true. The local park has some interesting design. Lots of fun!

TNP gets great enjoyment out of hide and seek, even still today

I still love hide and seek. For some reason.
overused dad is pro on playing hide and seek and became lost for x years joke incoming

TNP will spoil the ending of his fav movie/TV show/anime.

Paul Walker died before Fast and Furious 7 ripperoni

TNP still plays Pokemon Go!


TNP is sick of something or someone.

sick of shitty politicians running the country, at least in mine I guess.

TNP probably hates their local government.