False, can’t stand the stuff.
TNP is a wanna-be wine connoisseur
False, can’t stand the stuff.
TNP is a wanna-be wine connoisseur
False, can’t stand the stuff.
TNP doesn’t have a driving licence.
TNP loves racing sims.
But can’t play, because I have no wheel, and the only pc I have is a craptop captable of runing hames at glorious 12fps
TNP has been involved in crashing accidents.
Only on BeamNG
TNP remembers what BeamNG was like pre-race updates.
TNP has built a PC
True. At least 9 of them.
TNP has smashed a PC.
False. My 3DS on the other hand…
TNP hates it when a certain thing is always near you but when you need it most it disappears.
Does this hold true for humans too?
TNP likes MTG.
TNP knows that game.
True, played a few multiplayer games, and smashed one w/ a white Flying deck.
TNP is a white deck.
false. i’m an Asian DECK
TNP knows the ad joke i’m referring to
TNP thinks that’s funny ^
TNP is suffering the steam outage
False until I get home.
TNP has convinced people that he/she is from Canada by speaking with a Canadian accent.
False. I am Canadian!
TNP is getting shit in their stocking for Christmas.
TNP is getting literal shit in their stocking
False, that would be pretty shit
TNP voted
Profile pic.
TNP also voted.
I wear it with pride
TNP is hungry