Sniped: Do you?
Yes. Especially since I was one before. Go to any queen song except bites the dust and see all the edgy 13 year olds thinking they’re hot shit for knowing older shit.
TNP knows why bites the dust is exempt.
Sniped: Do you?
Yes. Especially since I was one before. Go to any queen song except bites the dust and see all the edgy 13 year olds thinking they’re hot shit for knowing older shit.
TNP knows why bites the dust is exempt.
TNP touches themselves
How do you think I get on clothes?
TNP is having some strange weather.
False, pretty normal
TNP has played Cards Against Humanity
Ye. It was funny, like never.
TNP’s next line is " false"
TNP likes to find loopholes.
TNP is a copy
Kinda true, some people say that I look a bit like filthy frank.
TNP has had (literal) explosive diarrhea.
Absolutely true…Africa…Somali living on MRI’s and base food its a hard living fucking harder when you are literally shitting yourself on patrol lol
TNP will now go listen to Billy Joel we didn’t start the fire cause its a classic and awesome
Mate I listen to Billy Joel because he’s a classic and awesome anyway
TNP like Billy Joel
TNP likes Joel Billy
rrrrg PNT
TNP wonders how you could have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.
Bonus for whoever gets the reference.
Let’s put it this way, I’m holding an original 1979 vinyl copy of it right now, I get the reference
TNP also like this thing we’re talking about
TNP thinks modern music is shiet
False. I’m a huge Pink Floyd fan myself too, but music today is not as bad as people keep saying. If you dig a bit deeper than the charts, there’s a shit ton of awesome music to be found.
TNP drives without music
False.I always turn on The Doors - LA Women on radio when i drive
TNP thinks Golden Earring - Radar Love is a good song
false. does nothing for me.
TNP is over 21
True. But sometimes I’d like to be 16 again.
TNP knows that feeling.
False, teenage years are always the worst.
TNP has a dream car (That isn’t a shitbox) that is affordable.