True or False: Forum game

false, not working yet

TNP needs a summer job

False. Already have a job.

TNP works as a software developer.

False. That would be cool though.

TNP has applied for a real job (not a starter) within this month.

False, did it last August.

TNP works with a generally older crowd (Retiring within five years sort)

False, I do work with older people, none of whom are retiring any time soon.

TNP works with a really young crowd.

True, schools students tend to be younger…

TNP still has to go to school.

true, i do

TNP wants the 2017 Trailblazer (my mom does)


TNP is fucked off at something.

False, Friday is too chill for that

TNP is chilling

TNP will say dkfngdkngdkfngdfkngdfkn.

False, I’m going to say “WUBALUBADUBDUB!”.

TNP is a birdperson.

True I have 4 eggs in my cockatiel box and we are just coming into winter grrrrrr…

TNP has outrun the police

True, woof

TNP hates it when other people’s alarms wake you up


TNP also hates when they wake up to an alarm only to find they completely imagined it going off.

False. I don’t even have an alarm.

TNP has something weird for an alarm

True. One Who Gets in our Way-ACE+ from Xenoblade Chronicles.

TNP has had a flat tire before.

False, although they are low I wouldn’t consider my tyres flat yet

TNP loves a cup of tea one morning

True, it was in torrential rain and I figured I could go down the road a bit to find shelter so I wouldn’t get soaked while changing it. Turns out it was so flat I sheared the inner tube wall off on the rim. Oops.

TNP can’t touch the tip of their nose with their tongue.

EDIT: frick, I got ninja’d.

True, I do like tea, doesn’t matter if it’s black, green, red, yellow, white or whatever.

TNP can’t touch the tip of their nose with their tongue.