True or False: Forum game


TNP plays Kerbal Space Program

False, an American engineering feat! Check out how good the down-force is on them.

TNP likes to build cars like the American Companys do

True, though I tend to borrow a few elements from all three manufacturers.

TNP likes designing a turbocharged direct injected big block.

True, I have one that I’m debating on whether or not I want to put it up for open source.

TNP has recently (post forum changeover) posted open source engines.

False, I prolly should tho

TNP thinks beats are worth closer to $30 than $300

True, thats why I’m rocking Audio-Technica.

TNP thinks that EV makes sense for daily.

True, especially if you live in a large city like New York or London.

TNP is playing Cities: Skylines.

False, have it but I was playing KSP

TNP has also hit up Jool and all of the moons in one run (what I just did)

False, but it’s on my to-do list.

TNP also plays Kerbal Space Program


TNP has accidentally done a really stupid thing on

False. Don’t play iRacing. Not good enough.

TNP is a fan of Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 and 2.

Very true

TNP also likes the 3rd and pretends the 4th doesn’t exist

What 4th?

TNP is sleepy…


TNP has been to a car show/meet recently.


TNP is late to the party.

Tnp thinks I need to give an epilepsy warning

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TNP wants to reply just to space away from the Epileptic gif