True or False: Forum game

Nope, shit’s shortened my life expectancy to <65years

TNP is dead yet

False, at least I think I’m still alive

TNP is owned by the coca cola company

False, I am not a slave

TNP thinks we should buy this slave and set him free

False. ROT IN THE DUNGEONS OF THE COCA-COLA FRANCHISE… Oops. That wasn’t supposed to get out.

TNP is afraid for the future.

False, only the people it it

TNP is watching John Oliver (and if you don’t look him up!)

False, I don’t get HBO.

TNP doesn’t like to adult.

true, it’s so much work with not enough fun, and i ain’t even an adult yet and im already complaining

TNP has an otter box case

False, I don’t even know what that is

TNP has seen the new Dev update

Wathcing Now.

TNP is done with what ever they’re doing

True Early day today

TNP is STOKED with the new dev update


TNP is :imp:

True, whenever I sign up for competitions.

Unless I’m :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: instead.

TNP dislikes doctors.

falsue. only when they’re doing something extremely uncomfortable or painful. otherwise, i like them. well SOME of them

TNP knows you can shift without clutching is some manuals


TNP has found it harder to sleep than usual.

True. Recently with exams and pressure etc…

TNP has an annoying bodyclock that gets messed up very easily

False my hours are all over the place power naps are key

TNP spends most of their time at work before sunrise

False, only when I’m on night shift, which is on average 6 weeks in every year, except last year, where I was in the A&E, and was on night shift 2 out of every 6 weeks (which sucks, because it’s not as if A&E is any less busy at night time these days).

TNP chews their nails.

Tralse. Right now i don’t, I used to though

TNP saw the new GT Sport trailer

True. Looks a bit meh.

TNP feels meh