false. i don’t really have a ‘dream’ car. but i do want a ‘dreamy’ car
TNP is a dota pleb
false. i don’t really have a ‘dream’ car. but i do want a ‘dreamy’ car
TNP is a dota pleb
Not even, I don’t even play DotA. Or SCII. Or LoL. Or TF2. Or CS (anymore).
TNP has more hours logged in Automation than any other game they have.
False. Most hours logged is Battlefield 4 with 503h atm., but there is games which don’t log time I would’ve got way more on.
TNP watches more than 1 hour of youtube or twitch per day.
true. i think i may be getting a little to bit obssesed with it.
500+ hours. BUT. there are times where i open it, leave it running for an hour or 2 while afk. soo that 500 hours is not really that accurate.
TNP knows how to get through sad panda. (if you don’t, no need to try to look into it. not worth it.)
False, I’m pretty happy last I checked. Hold on…yep, still happy.
TNP has no clue what these people are talking about with this “sad” garbage.
True, I never know what anyone is talking about, I have a short att… Hey look a Volvo V70R
TNP also has a short attention span
False. I get distracted easily at times, but I juggle multiple things around in my head all the time.
TNP is an indoor person.
False, I can’t drive cars indoors.
TNP is the outdoorsy type
false, too much nature
TNP is a Dank Meme
False, Bernie Sanders I am not
TNP is fat
TNP prefers glasses to contacts.
True, I would forget to take them out
TNP suffers from insomnia
TNP is a night owl
False, that’s what my cats are for.
TNP prefers to spell words in a fauxnetic fashion.
False, it’s far too much effort!
TNP knows a word.
TNP is an OG.
They call me OG Loc
TNP loved GTA san andreas