True or False: Forum game

I’m closing up the wormhole generated from it now.

TNP has nearly been struck by lightning.

Lightning? Not for years.

TNP is uses Ableton software.

False, not that musical

TNP is a TN but not a P

Haha. I am The Next, but I am no Poster!

TNP likes this song

Mmmm…smooth…I do like.

TNP was not a monkey in the time of Chimpanzees


TNP is a car

Vroom Vroom.

TNP is a sandwich.

“I am your sandwich.”

TNP likes this album


TNP is about to start a riot.


TNP likes that song


TNP is going to make eyes burn

True, my face makes eyes burn

TNP eats way too much fast food


TNP likes this song.

umm i’m not sure. nice to listen to once, but i won’t put that into my playlist.

are we on the music train again then?
how about this TNP?
just released a few days ago, and the that music video was released just 49 minutes before this post was made

Not bad. Sounds like the good ol’ Chilli Peppers.

TNP likes a song.

false, that’s why cars exist

TNP uses a desktop PC for a table

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False, I use it as a pc

TNP is not TNP