True, at why my BRC car refuses to less than 2:14 around the ATT…
TNP has dedicated all their space time to the BRC (once more)
True, at why my BRC car refuses to less than 2:14 around the ATT…
TNP has dedicated all their space time to the BRC (once more)
TNP is on a boat
Da Erf is sorta floatin’, like a boat in spaes.
TNP remembers Hurricane Willy.
TNP likes ashens
Not really watched his content.
TNP likes Nerd^3
False, I live under a rock.
TNP lives in a pineapple under the sea.
false, i live in an Easter Island Head
TNP seen fireworks today
I’m not from the “Land of the Free” but the ACTUAL land of the free, so no.
TNP is an idea.
What does that mean? True, I guess?
TNP has made a V12 or a car with one in Automation before
yes just the one I am not a v12 fan give me an 8!!!
TNP finally got delivery of their fg-x xr8 today and is now converted to superchargers(if the mustang had the supercharged coyote engine I would have bought that)
False, gonna stick with my 22 year old Taurus. I’m gonna drive that thing until the wheels fall off, then I’m gonna bolt them back on and drive it some more.
TNP has ridden on a fire truck ladder.
false. nothing even remotely close to that has happened to me.
TNP is still frustrated. (my fuckin rig still won’t work)
True, insurance company took money out of bank a month early
TNP wants to put a hole in the wall from anger
Not to my taste.
TNP watches TotalBiscuit.
Not sure who is this guy.
TNP loves pewdiepie
I’m afraid not in the slightest.
TNP has gone off YouTube gamers
False, I have gone off childish ones though, I’m more into people like FailRace and NerdCubed
TNP has finally found a likeminded community
true. fuck i’m rather ashamed to know about /r/carsfuckingdragon
TNP knows what’s /r/object is for without looking it up. (if you don’t, good for you.)