False, I just don’t update mine much.
Also damn you vri404 for being more ninja than me.
TNP prefers ninja over pirates.
False, I just don’t update mine much.
Also damn you vri404 for being more ninja than me.
TNP prefers ninja over pirates.
False, I prefer my shiny Gallade.
TNP Pokemons.
To a limited extent.
Like, I only know the first generation.
And then there’s this
TNP is on fire.
TNP is going to do some coke off a prostitute who is also doing coke in a hot tub.
False…I would but I mean if it was there and all you can’t turn down coke and hookers!
TNP completely (and rightly) disagrees with that statement
Based Traktor gave humanity the best youtube vid ever:
TNP will now join the church of traktor racing volvo terror.
TNP is part of the tug life
if you count being a victim is a part of thug life. then true.
TNP feels sleepy all the time
True. It’s called being on day 16 of a 19 day working week.
Hardly the worst I’ve had, that was more like 33, punctuated by a weekly 24.5 hour shift.
TNP has worked more than 24 consecutive hours.
False I have to drive enough of those things in my work let alone enjoy the bastards
TNP comes from a large farming property (myself 1.2 million acres)
False. But I live in a 12 acre forest!
TNP has a hard drive with more than 1 TB (I have 6!).
False. 1 Tb of DropBox storage is what I’ve got
TNP has updated their CV recently
True, still finishing it off
TNP has heard of the Farnborough Airshow
False, wouldn’t that mean you have a pin dick?
I can’t think of anything less hip than having an actually microscopic penis
TNP really needs to lay off the 4chan
False. Although there’s plenty of tumblr stuff I wish I hadn’t seen.
TNP dislikes people a bit more after visiting tumblr.
False, I refuse to even touch tumblr.
TNP still is using windows 7 (I know I am :P)