True or False: Forum game

True, if I had the money I would require to keep it running.

TNP has had to pay a little extra for parts because they own a rare car.

False, but I pay a lot for labor because I own a German car

TNP also does not like Audi timing belt expenses

Sounds like hell.

TNP knows the song/music video where Dave Grohl struggles to eat his microphone.

false… just… what?

TNP invited a friend to the Automation minecraft server who never heard of automation before

@Fayeding_Spray Grohl is the best
I haven’t played mine craft on PC, so no
TNP finds it unbelievable people still play minecraft

I occasionally do. So not quite unbelievable, but it doesn’t appeal to me the same way it used to.

TNP got Minecraft during the Alpha/Beta stages

I think you can tell I didn’t get it

TNP laughed while watching this

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that was really awkward to watch. though that final remark made me smirk

also, if you think minecraft is old. there’s still a bunch of people playing eve online… which came out in 2004

TNP knew this fact before i said it

(This is outside the TNP chain)

The mod motors are a dying breed with the development of the Coyote. (I’m aware that the Coyote is still essentially a mod motor.) You either get people that build up Windsor 302s or people that are building and bolting on power adders to the Coyote motor nowadays. The 4.6s and 5.4s proved to be too costly to modify, but when someone actually does it, they make stupid amounts of power.

So the answer to your question is yes, but they’re thinning out.

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Cheers dude. Yeah I’m lucky enough to have the “miami” version in my new sprint and it’s head and shoulders above the 5.4 I only ask as I have dropped a lot of cash into my boss 260 and want to talk to someone about converting from a nitrous setup to a direct drive procharger and methanol and it costs a lot to call the States lol.

Back on topic. False

TNP still plays counterstrike

False. Well, I haven’t played it in months and I play it maybe once a year or so. I was never particularly good at it. It was rare that I would maintain a greater than 1:1 KDR, and besides, fucking awpers!!!

I think my greatest highlight ever was legit winning one of those GunGame format games in a full server. When the game’s based on pure reflex I’m much better placed, so I would generally get very close, but I suck hardest with 'nade and knife.

EDIT: oh I got snipped. What the fuck is Human Cake???

TNP runs faster with a knife.

No, I run faster if the person behind/next to me is running at me with a knife

TNP shouts cyka blyat


TNP is grr

am cow no dog
dog.exe not found
use cow.exe instead? Moo/no

tnp moo

Yes! Bees are absolutely awesome by the way. Very clever little creatures.

TNP like toasted bagels with honey

Prefer Philly cheese

TNP remembers their first video game

Nope. I was a gamer since I was 3, it’s rather hard to remember anything from that age of life.

TNP feels old knowing that GTA San Andreas is as close on a timeline to its setting as it is to the present (12 years. Holy shit)

I have no knawleges aboot GTA.

TNP doesn’t get why americans only call superchargers blowers