True or False: Forum game

False, if anything I need to just keep eating the stuff I normally do because I am not gaining or losing any weight

TNP is unlucky like me and has to work on the weekend

If homework and projects counts, then yes.
No, I donā€™t work.

TNP applauds Caddys decision to bundle driving lessons at a racetrack for everyone that buys a V.

Its a good move but kinda pointless. Shouldve been for the Vette and Camaro or SS.

TNP thinks Jalopnik is shit these days

True a bit. Itā€™s basically gone the way of a rant box for each of the authors for their readership to fanboy/girl over. They seem to want to top each other with hyperbole and cynicism. If I wanted that, Iā€™d read Tumblr for Millenials.

TNP believes their countryā€™s government is pitching Millenials against Gen Xers.

Sshhhhhhh. They mustnā€™t know

TNP is sarcastic

Not often, but when the moment is ripe, then I strike. Hard. Not that often though.

TNP is with me on how bad cloud backups are stillā€¦ couldnā€™t transfer a simple thing like my WhatsApp chats to my new phone

Well it doesnā€™t bother me much sooā€¦ Not that I use WA alotā€¦ Mostly cause I have no friends.

TNP has no friends.

Iā€™d say false, but I got one now at least :smiley:
TNP is my friend


TNP is popular

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TNP had a riced Civic.

Thankfully not. Rather be killed on a guillotine.

TNP hates when Spotify Freemium interrupts your jam sessions with Lady Gaga

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false. rarely uses spotify.

TNP likes ā€˜alternativeā€™ genre songs.

Nah. I just find em edgy. Most of my playlist is 90s and early 00ā€™s pop hits.

And Jay Chou.

TNP has watched Nisekoi

No. Never heard.

TNP has exceptionally good vision and/or hearing

False. Hearing is about average and vision is good but not exceptionally. When I was a child I could read the last line of letters in those vision tests, a year ago I could only do the 2nd last.

TNP plays Hearthstone.

True. Cā€™thun Pally is my only good deck and it sucks.

TNP listens to Hard Dance.

False. Had to look up what exactly that is, I used to listen to Hardstyle a lot a few years ago, but Iā€™m more into oldschool techno / house and alternative rock at the moment.

Well, I guess youā€™re not on the EU server?
I had some better decks before WotoG, but now I just have a crappy Yogg Mage and a Cā€™Thun Druid.

TNP has been or is on the Automation IRC.

I donā€™t understand it, really.

@FrankNSTein Iā€™m on the US server, because thatā€™s what the ANZ ones are on.

TNP is a mash-up.

Of somesorts, yeah.

TNP has been playing the Battlefield 1 Beta


UI - good, Performance on my shitbox pc - good, Gameplay - still getting used to

TNP has played BF4.