True, didn’t like it (some challenger)
TNP despises muscle cars
True, didn’t like it (some challenger)
TNP despises muscle cars
It’s just not my cuppa, but if you like it then I’m no one to judge, that’s cool
TNP is craving something sweet right now
False, rather something breakfasty.
TNP hasn’t yet created a car in Automation that they would drive daily if it existed IRL.
False, I have, but some I would never touch. Like a 14L twin-turbo V12 luxobarge from 1989
TNP agrees that sounds scary as hell
True, I want a doughnut (notice the correct spelling)
Woah double sniped: true
TNP wants to see a full review video of my Alfa with a proper drive
Very true, and you got double sniped
TNP wants something sour
False, I got life
TNP is a bottle of bleach
False, I wish
TNP would like me more if I were a bottle of bleach
I’d drink you
TNP is salty
True, I’m awake
TNP knows that feeling
Which feeling?
TNP has the feels rn
True, listening to Gojira
TNP was made to headbang
I know I was, can never get too much of headbanging
False. I was made to FUCKING RAVE!
TNP was made to Move.
True, always moving
TNP sits still a lot
Tralse, I don’t at work, but I do at home… because I’m usually tired from work.
TNP is a deranged prevert.
I’m just a prevert, that’s it. Totally normal otherwise.
TNP has drank apfelschorle
wat. is that Cider?
TNP is faster than I
False, probably not
TNP is faster then me
At sprinting, I’d like to think yes
Otherwise, prolly not
TNP is consumed by the headbang
@Fayeding_Spray when you say you like to rave
False, but I have been consumed by headbanging before.
TNP works graveyard shifts