True or False: Forum game

Don’t like TV in general, no adblock

TNP also doesn’t watch much TV anymore

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TNP is a bird

I wish.

TNP likes flying.

Si! I love airports too (don’t ask why, it’s just the whole experience)

TNP is amazed at the High Court decision against Brexit in the UK

False, I saw that one coming

TNP thinks that was for the better of the UK

A small government body overturning a decision that was democraticlly elected by a majority of the population?

Fuck no.

TNP is appalled at the protests today by Muslim Extermists in Indonesia.


TNP is sick and tired of these migrants getting house for free, and then here’s me someone who was born in England who would have to wait on a register for years to only be given a crappy little flat on a dodgy housing estate because the migrants have been given nicer flats in middle of nowhere villages

(Sorry my TNP turned into a small rant)

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TNP thinks people are too sensetive.

Too true, people are all cunts nowadays

TNP has inadvertently eaten horse meatballs

Tralse I eat wild horse and it is surprisingly good much better than camel or lamb…or dirty rotten stinking Kangaroo although emu is good too

TNP comes from a hunting family

False, farmers - in the loose sense. We were more livestock farmers and we grew rice and beans. Also, “we” is general too, because the last farmer in my ancestry was over 3 generations back

TNP is sore and tired

False, but I will be soon

TNP will find out how to ship a euro spec manual 6 speed for an Audi a3 sport to the US for me

Get a BMW 1 series.

TNP believes mob rule is undemocratic.

True, side note, BMW didn’t have a stick shift either over here

TNP knows the sound of a mic without editing

True, horrendous, although my mic was from Poundland :joy:

TNP loves Poundland tat



Mate, Poundland is life.
e m b r a c e t h e 9 9 p h e a d p h o n e s .

TNP fecking loves Poundland

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wat’s that???

TNP likes the ‘scientific’ / ‘documentary’ movies that nat geo and history channel makes

the upcoming MARS movie by nat geo?
yeah, they released a background story on youtube for free.

True, I like the seconds from disaster and life after people

TNP likes watching a man with a brown sofa review worthless tat and eat potentially lethal out of date stuff that at one point was some form of food

@ramthecowy you don’t know Ashens?

False, sounds shit

TNP misses Top Gear and Fifth Gear