True or False: Forum game

I have a great day and I will be able to get the same as the DRC deadline for the use of the car is a good time to get the same as the DRC deadline for the use of the car and I have to be the best regards David David and I will be able to get the same time to do it and then in processed the refund for my oversight of my driver’s door is now available on Monday’s or the employee and employer

TNP actually read that

True, head now hurt

TNP can unhurt head

Heard drinking bleach helps?

TNP is bad advice mallard


TNP loves the fact that 11,000 people voted for harambe as a write in for US president.



TNP voted for tabasco sauce

I would if I could. Spicier than anything we got!

TNP walked into a shitstorm at work/class this morning.

true, entire school was in an uproar

TNP wants to talk about literally anything that isn’t politics right now


TNP love donald trump and would have a coffee with him

Yes please, although I’m still actually quite happy to continue talking about it as long as it isn’t more of the same.

Sniped: no thanks, I don’t drink coffee :stuck_out_tongue:

Can I just say, this forum has conducted itself VERY well on that matter. Given we have people Of all political Persuasions here, nobody has harassed any one person for expressing their choices or doing their civic duty. Of everybody who has said their piece, nobody’s gone on the ad hominem Warpath or spewed too much vitriol and before anything got out of hand we all agreed to take a chill pill. And that’s better than can be said for the vast majority of social media and forums in what is probably the most divisive, globally significant election anybody on a forum will remember. So well done for what it’s worth from me.

TNP is similarly impressed.


Mmmmh. Somewhat.

TNP has smelly feet.

True, I don’t understand how feet can sweat so much

TNP has seen the film idiocracy (or is it a future prediction for America now?)


TNP will be the 9000th poster on this thread.


TNP tells the truth


TNP is a liar

False, lies sit on my conscience

TNP has bought ‘my summer car’

False, but want to

TNP is a schmuck


TNP needs sleep


TNP will buy me Transport Fever

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False, but it looks somewhat interesting, even if the reviews are a bit questionable.

TNP was late today

false. IM FREEEEEEEE today

@Fayeding_Spray is it as good as i see it youtube? i’m also tempted to get it

TNP is hungry right now