True or False: Forum game

True. GTR 2, loved it.

TNP once thought that Gran Turismo is a Simulator.

trueā€¦ kindaā€¦ well.
i first played Gran Turismo 2 at the age of 9 i think? so i beg for forgiveness

TNP have at least once tried one of those ā€˜recreational drugsā€™

tralse? define ā€œrecreational drugā€

TNP wants an american land yacht

Tralse. It would be interesting but not as a daily driver.

TNP plays a MOBA game.


TNP plays (or played) Gran Turismo 6. If so, which option?

False for both. Still reppinā€™ Gran Turismo 4 :sunglasses:

TNP has listened to the new Last Shadow Puppets album.


TNP has a game system at least 10 years old that they still play.

True, I have a ps2 which i used to play destruction derby arenas yesterday (and may play again today)

TNP thinks rap is terrible

True. Xbox 360 And PS2

TNP watches shitty morning TV sometimes.

False, Iā€™m either lucky enough to be sleeping or working.

TNP watches, or used to watch, Adult Swim religiously on saturday nights.

True. Used to. But I still enjoy the Boondocks and Rick and Morty.

TNP listens to music on their phone/ipod/etc. while driving rather than a radio station.

Tralse. I do listen to my own music, but not from a smartdevice. I just have a USB stick full of music plugged into my aftermarket head unit.

TNP has made a mod for Automation.

false but is working on it

TNP has not yet built a 5L v6 on Automation

True. The biggest Iā€™ve ever built is a 3.5l one.

TNP didnā€™t like the looks of the Ferrari Enzo when it came out.

tralse. I was like 7 or 8 when it came out. So not really sure.

TNP has a SO.

false, idk what that even is

TNP seen Vri404ā€™s clip on failrace

False. What video did Vri appear in?

TNP dislikes music being too bass-heavy


TNP is subscribed to at least one magazine.

True. Private Eye!

TNP is loving todayā€™s weather in the UK.

False, Iā€™m not in the UK

TNP thinks that the state of Michigan is going through that ā€œspecialā€ time of the month in terms of weather.