true, my helmet on my motorbike. it’s not a bad habit, but i just can’t take it everywhere.
it’s a cheap and old helmet that has gone through several accidents anyway. wont hurt me much if it gets stolen (except when i get a fine for not using a helmet)
TNP wants a raclette now
False. What the fuck?
TNP hates someone on here for a stupid reason.
False. Everyone I’ve met so far here has been very kind and respecting.
TNP is going on holiday this summer.
Does moving back to my home country count as holiday?
TNP lives in a country that is not their home country.
TNP has used full throttle in their car
True. What good are American V8s if you’re not going to floor it from time to time.
TNP has driven a car faster than 100 MPH on at least 2 different occasions.
true. my drag car does 118mph over 1000ft
TNP thinks centrifugal superchargers are a waste of money
True, for a road car, they make lots of top end power but not much low down where you regularly drive.
TNP knows of an rc racing track near them
TNP wonders what would happen if someone made a V120. Powaaa
False until 5 seconds after this is posted.
TNP is taking, or has taken, their road test today.
false, soon though
TNP lives somewhere where displacement is taxed
True. Also emissions. (Nissan TD42 Turbo )
TNP can swim in milk
Don´t know.
TNP has tried to make dubstep before.
I like the occult and satanic things.
TNP is a descendant of a Witch
i’m not answering that, i might reveal my identity
######CURSES! my cover has been blown. time to fly away.
TNP just love to roleplay something
True. I used to love doing it as a kid, I had an imaginary country and imaginary car company, both of which still exist today, one here and the other one being Erin.
TNP likes Cream Soda.
True, too bad I am out
TNP has bingewatched TV before
True, Netflix counts.
TNP knows about the “banned” (US) Pokemon episodes from the first season.
some of them
TNP knows about the M-disk